Armisen’s parents are Venezuelan and German-Korean, which is apparently of-color enough to get him a pass.
Armisen’s parents are Venezuelan and German-Korean, which is apparently of-color enough to get him a pass.
When’s Fred Armisen’s time?
Wait, why’s Fallon the one in trouble? Shouldn’t this fall on the execs, writers, showrunner, and station who encouraged and payed for it?
If people think impersonating an actual person on SNL is bad, I hope they never see the Christopher Guest/Billy Crystal Negro League sketch
Did anyone ever have a problem with Darrell Hammond as Jesse Jackson?
Related to/friends with someone with juice?
I thought this show was known for groundbreaking or at least disturbing visuals. Wasn’t it rather infamous for disturbing scenes?
She makes fair points about how much impact it had and how DeGeneres got another season and a new sitcom after coming out.
i mean it goes without saying she’s on the softball team, not baseball
“Watching this section, even from the safety of your couch, can be uncomfortable, as you know there are definitely anti-vaxxers squirming in their seats somewhere out of frame.”
The difference is New Zealand set a bunch of benchmarks, hit those benchmarks, and is cautiously, systematically reopening with the blessing of its top health officials.
America did a bunch…
New Zealand and Australia have lifted most lockdown protocols for a good while now. Things have been going normally.
With a hint of “This comic really sucks balls”
I kinda thought it was more “I was just looking for a quiet night out and he recognized me.”
“Stoners and incels”... just listen to yourself.
I’m terribly sorry to all those I’ve offended with this simple and seemingly innocuous inquiry. I’ll keep you all in mind the next time I even think about posting something the hive mind of the internet doesn’t approve of in advance. Perhaps a ‘Man, that sucks’ or yet another tired reference to Marc and HIS GUYS…
I know I speak for the entire AV Club when I say we are all SO sorry that you had to find out this way, seeing how close you were. Condolences.
“...because they are korean and this is all new to them”
Your posts read like you’re typing them out in Morse code from a submarine.