
No one REALLY cares, people on twitter are just fucking around and forcing humorless wolk scolds to stand by all the virtue they’ve signaled and actually pretend to be offended about something Jimmy Fallon did twenty years ago.

Dude, he’s a bad comedian.  The level of anger he inspires in online “woke” spaces is ridiculous.  Pick your battles, bro.

He’s an idiot who has other idiots on and also some smart and interesting people on and sometimes even has interesting conversations with them.

Or, on the other hand, don’t. The world has more than enough actors.

The chances of anyone under the age of 70 with this virus requiring even minor medical attention is about 0.3% percent on the high end.

It’s both not for you and also the only podcast you should be listening to.

Ha ha. It’s so bizarre that a Batman villain is now the centerpiece of a weird, never ending culture war that you weirdos take INCREDIBLY seriously.

Chris Matthew, ostensibly a news anchor, said the Bernie Sanders campaign would “execute people in Central Park” and compared them to the Nazis, and your main concern is that he told a woman she was pretty or something?

I might buy this special now just cause William Hughes is a sanctimonious hack.

That guy did not say rape is good.  Not that Louis CK raped anyone anyways.

Neither did Louis CK.  He asked permission and if they said no he walked away.

Pete Buttigeg was designed in a lab to get AV Club commentators dicks hard.

I’m not sure exactly who or what you’re mad at but I wanted to assure you that the problem with the people running the world isn’t their skin color.

To be fair though Bernie is a great and Pete sucks.

This whole country deserves Trump.

There’s no way in hell you’re NOT a bearded white dude in some college town somewhere, right?

Finally, someone’s sticking up for the multi-billion dollar entertainment conglomerates! 

So your issue is that bland “woke” sites like AV Club are too NICE to Bernie supporters?

As far as war criminals go, Donald Trump is definetly worse at talking then all the previous ones!

That would be an interesting article to read.  Inappropriate for this particular article, but interesting none the less.