
Grrr, I want it for that point when it seems winter will never end, not when it's threatening to become nice out again.

Eh, I liked all those games except for Little Inferno but only finished Bastion and Brothers, and Bastion took me the best part of a year, so I think you're doing quite well. The other ones I've finished usually only take a couple of hours and not much effort (Journey, Gone Home, Dear Esther). Other than that Hotline

Nice, hadn't heard of this. My shiny new PS4 (Well 1/3 shiny 2/3 matte. Very 80s) came with a $10 PSN credit. Thanks for matching double my investment in the Iñupiat games industry, Sony! That and getting Transistor on sale has made me much happier about buying something I don't have (m)any games to play on. Knew I

Yeah +1 for rabies.

That makes sense, thanks. Though I must say the idea of buying an add on for my shiny new TV so I can hear people talk as well on it and a blu-ray as I could on a vhs tape and a CRT is irksome.

You guys are almost getting me to retry Dragon Age. Unfortunately last time there was too much going on for my poor little brain and I ran away screaming. I would like to think my brain is improving over time. (It's not.)

I just bought my first ever new TV so everything sounds pretty great to me, except it's plagued with the modern dialogue quiet explosions loud syndrome. I know I sound like an old person, but it even has an enhance dialogue option so this must be a thing, right? I can't really turn it up without being a jerk to my

My name is Alistair, so if you don't mind, I'm going to pretend this comment is about me because I'm pretty good at showing up drunk but I usually just get a roll of the eyes.

Bummer, hope you can fix it.

In DSII you can get invaded while hollow, which I didn't know until it happened, and it totally freaked me out. Pushed that fucker off the tower midbow. He was nice about it afterwards, though.

It always warms my heart when I'm furiously lapping some godforsaken hellhole with rabid hounds chasing me in place of scantily clad women.

Heh, I did nothing of the sort in DS but something about the joy of helping out in DSII brought it out in me. Maybe it's because I was there at the start I dunno. (I played DS way after launch.)

I took to wearing that weird wolf head helmet when helping someone fight a boss. Then if we won I'd take the rest of my clothes off and run around in circles. Very happy to get the wagging finger gesture for it once.

Looks like GTA V + The Last of Us Remastered or LittleBigPlanet 3 + Lego Batman 3 for Black Friday.

Anecdotal, of course, but bang on in my case. My creaky old 360 is now my wife's Dance Central Machine. Don't own any new gen yet but Xbone is a distant 3rd behind the Wii U and the Bloodborne machine. Never say never but I highly doubt I'll ever buy one.

You guys better step up or I'm taking all the swag again.

Eh, my neighbourhood is far less pretty than Dark Souls. Maybe slightly less risk of getting backstabbed.

That is a thing of beauty.

I'd be into that. I finished Demon's Souls last week (only took 2 years and 3 months) and I think I'm about half way through Dark Souls.
Dark Souls 2 is the first game I have ever pre-ordered. I want to experience it with a high volume of players, and while I'm glad I used the wiki for the first 2 I'd like to play one