
Less solid.

you're one beautiful shit rat shit_rat, and don't let anyone tell you different.

Kindle Fire runs a borked version of Android to try and tie you to the Amazon Store. There are workarounds but I haven't played with it in a while. Something like this?…

upvoted for conscientious spoilerhidery.

There is a way to skip fighting them completely. They've done their best to eliminate my Cowards' Souls approach but haven't quite managed it.

I got lucky - he poisoned himself and I ran away and then just stood around until he carked it.

Can't I just get my picture taken with each one, or something? I bounce off games pretty easily anyway so there was no way. When I finally finish Ico I might give it another crack, but I doubt the outcome will be much different.

The receiver was not available at the time of the first delivery attempt. A second attempt will be made.
3 hours before the timeslot they stated, and 15 minutes before I got home for lunch.

Me too! I mean I have crap eyesight but that's what glasses are for. And my apartment is tiny the TV's not that far away. I feel like I'm in an old folks home sometimes.

I just upgraded to a flatscreen and I can still barely read some of the tiny fonts. Anything written in red on a CRT is just a fuzz.

There's a lot on its shoulders because the next gen releases have been so bland. I think a well crafted evolution of the Souls games will suit a lot of us just fine. It'll be up to BB2 or DS3 to really put the system through its paces. But then I'm in the opposite camp from you. Demon's and Dark Souls are the only

Yeah for me DefilementBlighttownGulch are just there to make you appreciate being above ground so much more.
I'm hoping for a big shiny Neuschwanstein style castle to emerge on the horizon. Next gen allows you to inch there through the darkness little by little. When you finally get there every room brings something

Counterpoint: Souleye is fantastic and the way Teti comes in after the music has peaked is radio perfection.

It's whoever pronounces it to rhyme with hot.

When I was a kid, we used to drive from North West England to France every summer; me, my brother and sister in the back, the goddamn tour de france (in french) on the radio. For some reason my dad's car had a cigarette lighter in the back. The day I realised I could buy an adapter and have unlimited Game Gear back

I got a Wega for $20 off Craiglist. Something to be said for last gen TVs as well as consoles. Had to give it up in the last move. Can barely look at my PS2 on the HDTV.

Sad how Elite came out in 1984 and is just now coming back around. Why shoot people in the face when you can fly around space? (psst It's because Braben isn't any fun)

But the FP perspective matters hugely in portal. Not just to the gameplay, but (moreso) to the tone and the interaction of the characters. Portal the flash game is not the same thing at all.
I guess that's the point. Games reviews (present site excepted!) often read like consumer reports, where clearly distinct genres

But that's his point. While a book may be described within critical media as written in the first person it defines the work far less than when a game is FP.

There really aren't any good games for the PS4, are there?
Nope. I can't even be bothered to finish Shadows of Mordor. I was going to play Binding of Isaac: Rebirth on it but I downloaded the wrong version when it was free on PS+. I might give Alien Isolation a try when it gets a bit cheaper. I've got Transistor