
I think it seems like Skyrim came out of nowhere, but Oblivion sold 7 million and Morrowind nearly 3m just on the original xbox. I think Bethesda have done an amazing job of making their games more accessible to a broader audience, but they're still making the game they want to make, rather than chasing a demographic.

Plenty of dumblings (but we're the leaders and the bwest!), but you're right about the scarcity of good dumplings ;p

Well I think this Kickstarter was born of the gulf between the number of people who expressed desire for another Tim Schafer point and click adventure and the lack of investors willing to put up money for it.

It can't be long before Super Scrimps N' Scramps is in the pipeline.

Good God's Urge has Tahitian Moon and Thick Of It All on it, which I like. I thought the first album was a lot more disappointing because I thought it was going to be good.

I doubt this game is great, but the guy on ARS says it's a decent multiplayer hack n' slash:
"This is a title you're going to enjoy if you play with others. Single-player fans should spend their time on another title."…