
IDK, I think he might be auditioning for the Trump cabinet and/or Twitter staff?

Now I’m envisioning a whole dating site / ecosystem? Oh my god the ads could be AMAAAAAZING.

Take a seat, bro. You get points for awareness of some of the related issues and baggage, but you do not get to make the decision on what’s good/bad/helpful/destructive for every fucking woman on this planet. Some of us actually enjoy wearing makeup — which, no, is not necessarily bad for your skin. Also, my bf

Jesus, STUPID KINJA wouldn’t even let me write a reply until I closed the tab and opened the link in a new one. UGH.

I want to do more peel things! But I was really intimidated by the “hardcore” ones too, so I ended up with just the Fade Peel and the 25% Mandelic from MUAC — neither of which renders Dramatic Results (at least for me). But also now I’m on retin-a micro, so like, how hardcore can I safely go at this point? Interested

I love peeling gels! I know some people are like “BUT IT DOES THE PILLING THING ON ITS OWN, THOSE GLOBS ARE CELLULOSE/POLYMERS IN THE PRODUCT, NOT SKIN” — but in my experience, it DOES pull off some dead surface skin for sure. It’s not the most aggressive exfoliant type, for sure, but that means I can use it more

I swear to christ this is the funniest thing I’ve read in a solid week. Pls submit to the best extant sketch comedy show [idk what that might be, SNL is at least 65% shite and That Mitchell & Webb Look hasn’t been on in years] asap.

Cetaphil is bunnnnnnk. I think derms recommend it because it doesn’t have many ingredients, and thus nothing likely to trigger an allergy or sensitivity in reactive skin. Also, it DOES contain SLS. It’s the fourth ingredient, after water, propylene glycol (which is just a carrier/solvent that accomplishes nothing

CdG is THE SHIT. I’ve got Standard, Avignon, and Zagorsk, and will probably add Wonderoud at some point. (Standard smells almost exactly like my favorite silver polish.)

1. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. 2. Some combination of elements here — costumes, makeup, the lighting, the colors, the plants (let’s call it the steez-en-scene) — makes me expect Cmdr Riker to pop up with his trombone and join in.

Perfect gif choice is perfect.

HOLY SHIT The Expanse is getting axed? NOOOOOOO! :((((

I think someone else got the fried fries.

Wolf Parade is AMAZING. <3

Ooooo, hooray for frilly oddball pasta! That all sounds AMAZING!

[vomiting emoji] :(

Man one of the reviews or snippets on Amazon was all “Firefly fans shouldn’t pass this one up” to which I said CLICK, BUY NOW. And like, this has fuck-all in common with Firefly, other than involving Some People On A Spaceship Who May Have Slightly Unkosher Pasts. Which is also pretty much every other sci-fi novel

TY! You know, this is only the second time I’ve ever cooked salmon. What is wrong with me? IT’S SO EASY.

Ahhhh I love gorgonzola! (Esp in mini tarts with pears and honey, but chicken works too!) Also orzo! That stuff goes in pretty much every soup I make. Meatballs DO sound intimidating — I’ve never made them either, but your success inspires me!