
I am LATE in “discovering” Television. Like... “last year” late. :( But I’m FULLY on board now.

OOOOO, now THAT sounds like something I should strive to achieve sometime! NOTES DULY TAKEN.

HA, oh nah, I get straight-up prefab fried chicken. IDK if you have Publix grocery stores where you are, but omg their deli’s fried chicken is AMAZING.

Priests in particular are FANTASTIC — kinda garage-punk with a vintage Riot Grrl flavor? A+!

I’m over halfway through it now, and while I dig all the ideas involved, I’m just not finding the writer’s voice/style very engaging? Maybe it’ll improve tho!

Ooooo, that sounds nifty! And from everything I keep hearing/reading, I OBVS need to get an Instant Pot ..

WHAT’S EVERYONE BEEN COOKIN’? I made this salad last weekend and I STRONGLY urge everyone to try it out sometime :

Reading : Six Wakes, which is ... tolerable. Future, space, cloning, MURDER MYSTERY, I should be into this in a big way. Yet the writing is kinda disjointed and ... unevocative? I’m just kinda plowing through it now.

That stuff is so weirdly polarizing! I’ve heard/read/know SO MANY people who adore it, and a tiny handful who’re “nooooooope, flipped my skin out / gave me a horrible reaction.” Maybe give it to a very oily-skinned pal? My BF likes it pretty well too. (I’m not gonna buy it again, at least not right away, because so

I too find Glossier’s whole ~schtick~ kinda grating for the most part, but I think Boy Brow and its ilk (from Benefit, Essence, YSL, et al) are probably fine/great for people with brows that are already A) a good shape, B) reasonably full, and C) not patchy. Like, if just darkening/thickening your extant brow hairs

PREACH. Well, except : comedogenic ratings aren’t necessarily 100% true and accurate all the time, for everyone. For one thing, from my understanding, a lot of the testing that was done to establish those ratings was A) aaaaages ago, and B) on rabbit ears, not on human faces. Also, ymmv! There’re lots of things listed

ANY TIME. Let’s make it your Sephora tho, because all we’ve got is one of those bitsy ones inside a JCPenney. :(

CHEMICALS ARE GOOD. Also the sebums and hormones and etc etc naturally occurring in your skin? CHEMICALS. And sometimes those chemicals get out of whack, resulting in acne or other skin issues, and you need additional chemicals to set things right. Chemicals are GREAT. ALL THE CHEMICALS, PLEASE. (With the caveat that

My kingdom for a great concealer with no cyclomethicones. :( I LOVED the MUFE one until I realized it was contributing to my breakouts.

I don’t have kids, but I’m guessing a lot of the “dullness” comes from SOOOO TIIIIIRED. ?? Still tho, there’s some pretty easy stuff you can do to help combat it! If you’re too tired (or lazy) to do a real cleanse, there’re tons of prefab cleansing cloth things that’re pretty good — I like the Shea Moisture ABS ones,

This. Is. HILARIOUS. Shockingly good job, GQ.

Same. “Does it have shootouts, swordfights, and/or crap gettin’ blowed up in space? No? PASS.” But I will 100% watch this. Her high-strung snark and his affectless deadpan are just PERFECTION.

I fucking loathe romantic comedies as an entire category, but I’m down for this sarcastic screwball nonsense in a big way.

If “Unintentional Rom-Com” is a category, then yes, definitely.
