
Seconding that one! I’ve got the Watery Essence (the Watery Gel has an ingredient that breaks me out — I think stearic acid?) and really like it. I’m not keen on the amount of alcohol in it, but on the whole it performs pretty well and isn’t $$$$.

RIGHT?? Actually I don’t need *any* because that shit is full of cyclomethicone which gives me looooovely cystic acne. Grrrr.

CONCUR HUGELY. Their sole advantage is that they carry more lines in one place than most department stores, and of course a lot of brands that Ulta doesn’t have. But they’re my last choice, because fuck those “rewards.”

Oh god I felt this like an actual physical blow. :O

HA, omg that’s hilarious. Mine — even tho he has oily skin like me — is 100% down with smearing the evening primrose oil all over his face. Your guy has NO IDEA. Aztec Secret clay masque pulls and throbs, azelaic itches, my Fade Peel stings and burns... he’d lose his damn mind.

Oh I make mine try allllll my stuff — but prefaced with “okay you only need THIS MUCH [shows him small blorp of product] because 1. that’s plenty to be effective and 2. this crap is eighty bucks a pop.” He loves it, especially when I decant little bottles for him to take home. He’s using my evening primrose oil and

Same. I STRONGLY suspect she’s one of those people where her “friends” are like ARGH but do we HAVE to invite her to the dinner party tho / YES, ____ will be super pissed if we don’t, cmon it’ll be fine. AND THEN the whole night she’s melodramatically telling the most *fucking banal* anecdotes and doing over-loud


Yeah, Liv Tyler really worked for me — so much so that I didn’t even mind how hugely they expanded her presence in the films. I think Otto was not at all familiar with the books, saw in the script that her character has a thing for Aragorn, and just RUNNNNNNNNNNS with that as far as she can take it.

I don’t hate her! At all! She seems delightful! But she (via her performance and also just her look) made Eowyn come off as sweet and gentle and emotionally-demonstrative — Book Eowyn is a standoffish forbidding hardass. Even Brienne of Tarth would tell Book Eowyn “girl you could maybe loosen up a little.

She seems like a pretty solid performer, and as others have pointed out, how that character ended up being portrayed on screen is also down to Peter Jackson/Philippa Boyens/etc — but Eowyn has BY FAR the biggest divide between how she is in the books and how she is in the movies.

QUAVERING BUTT-CHIN. omg. now that’s all *I’ll* be able to focus on...


Yeaaaah, me too on all counts. Miranda seems super sweet! But Book Eowyn is cold and forbidding and a standoffish badass — she does NOT make fucking soup, and she does NOT get all girlie-weepy in front of Aragorn. :(

I’ll go ahead and be That Nerdy Person and point out that Liv Tyler played Arwen the Elven princess (or I guess 3/4 elven, or like “mostly elven but also a teeny bit human plus a dash of Maiar”), and I thought she was good? However, I HATED Miranda Otto as Eowyn the shieldmaiden of Rohan / Karl Urban’s sister, and

Oh I’m sure that has to be SUPER frustrating! The Aveda stuff is really minimal help, but better than nothin’. You might want to ask your derm about minoxidil + azelaic? I haven’t done a lot of investigating, but I *have* seen some reports that it’s more effective for some people / in some situations than minoxidil

Yes, Shea Moisture Sacha Inchi shampoo. I have the conditioner too and LOVE it, tho it’s probably more than you need. Have you ever tried Aveda’s Pure Abundance line? I LOVE that one when my hair is unbleached and silky straight with no “texture” — it really does help add a little volume without making my hair feel

My own hair is rather fine and straight, and tends to be oily normally — tho right now it’s drier because it’s multibleached and dyed blue. I thought this one would be a good “moisturizing” shampoo option for me, but NOOOOOPE, it is way, way too oily and rich for my hair, even as dry as it is. After washing it was

The problem is that a lot of the Marketing Woo that beauty companies throw out is just that — Marketing Woo. Much of the terminology they use is pretty useless : non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic, “natural” and so forth are unregulated terms, meaning there’s no official legal definition of these things, and no minimum

Agree, mascara should be *IMPACTFUL* or why bother? (I do really like the MJ O!Mega Lash tho — it was my fave before I discovered my current fave. It’s BIIIIG but not nearly as smudge-prone for me.)