

Yes because an actual law enforcement officer would only be hesitant to fire at a person amongst a bunch of children, or an actual child/young person shooting. An armed teacher — aka someone whose professional life revolves around children — would of course have no qualms about firing at a kid, particularly one they

TBH I leave my [adorable! delightful!] Alessi bottle opener out next to the fridge allllllllllways, specifically so that I won’t be tempted to whap-open beers etc on my very nice solid-surface countertops.

I ... can’t imagine how that could happen? Unless you had not *just* the very edge of the cap but also some of the glass bottleneck resting on the ... well, the Whapping Surface, and/or smacked the cap at an angle rather than straight down and shattered the bottle’s top? The worst thing that’s ever happened to me is

Yeah, you can straight-up wreck the edge of a wooden surface doing this, and even hard stones like marble and granite could be chipped or scratched. But cinder block retaining wall / shitty old picnic table? Have at it.

Ooooo, crazy! I’ve done this SO, SOOOOO many times and have never (that I’ve noticed) chipped the bottle! Maybe some brands of beer have a type of glass or a lip shape that’re more prone to chipping?

The easiest way is to find a hard durable surface [that you don’t mind potentially chipping or scarring*] with a nice crisp edge — brick wall, edge of a table or counter, etc — hold the bottle with your non-dominant hand so the edge of the cap is resting on the hard surface edge, and give the top of the cap a solid

Yeah, the TooFaced dude is an AAAAAAASSHOLE, and I don’t buy their shit anymore for that reason — well, and also bc their products are generally cutely-packaged lackluster performers. Ditto Jeffree Star and KVD and all the other dramarama jerks.

IDK how the company is structured, other than knowing Estee recently purchased a stake — is he the primary owner of Deciem as a whole? Is there a board or a major shareholder who can exert some authoritative power and/or friendly influence? If he continues being a dick, I’m not gonna give him more money. :\ (But yeah,

True, I haven’t minutely examined all his missives, nor am I a psychologist ... but I feel like this guy has some untreated mental health issues, and isn’t just a narcissistic skeeze. I mean, I feel for anyone who’s going through stuff like that (if this is in fact the case) but you’re a grownup, dude, and you ain’t

Check out the topnav at Deciem’s site — they’ve got a dozen or so brands/sub-brands, ranging from super pricey skincare to hair stuff to ... all kinds of things.

Thank youuuu. There’s no way to parse this sentence with that word in it and come up with the meaning [I assume] the author intended.

That’s a sadly accurate comparison, ugh. (Tho I guess without the creepy sleazy sexual component ... so far as we know?)

My understanding was that the product he suggested she use was a skin-calming active, not a skin-lightener nor even something that addresses PIH? If that’s the case, he was telling her to “calm down,” not to bleach her skin. Which is still inarguably shitty, dismissive, and insulting, but not necessarily racist.

This whole thing is grotesque, and doubly grotesque in how utterly unsurprising it is.

It is SO FRUSTRATING that that stuff is available OTC basically everywhere but here, grrrrr. And my money’s on “big pharma wants to maintain their US prescription profit margins.” But you dumb shits, this stuff is SO GOOD *and* multipurpose (acne, rosacea, etc) *and* seemingly so much less likely to cause side effects

Hey it snuck by me too! Plus it just took me a while to figure out that [for my skin] all forms of dimethicone seem to be fine, but cyclomethicone is NOT fine, and cyclohexasiloxane/cyclopentasiloxane are forms of cyclomethicone and also not fine, and evidently polysilicone-11 is also a siloxane and also not fine. But

Aw, well thank you! Now I DEF need to know what your HG lip thing is!

I have really, really good results from azelaic! Note: I do get a light stinging feel for about 10-15 minutes after applying, but then it goes away. Note 2: This might incline you to “buffer” it by applying a serum/oil/moisturizer first? But I had NOTABLY diminished effectiveness when I did this.

Isn’t it AMAZING? It’s an absolute travesty that it isn’t available in the US [in proper concentrations] without a prescription. :(