
Concur, that dude is a grade-A jackass and fuck him. But, yes, omfg how is “whiny YouTube monologue” even a fucking category of thing? Who even has the interest and attention span for this petty shit? (Other drama queens?) I can barely make myself press play on a swatch video (and only when I can’t find product

The Moose people are jerks, but tbh I got like six seconds into the video before I ABSOLUTELY HATED THIS CHICK. Shut up, shut uuuuuup. With your very-obvious lip injections/”plumpers” and your “strobing” and your bad lighting and your cheezy pink tchotchkes in the background SHUT TF UP.

It’s also not uncommon for Big Fancy Houses to have separate his and hers (or his and his etc) full baths in the master bedroom. Sometimes even in Big Fancy Condos! And I mean in a 7ksf four-bedroom house, you’d certainly have space for it.

*Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice. But yeah, that was a pretty good crowd.

Ditto. I’ve had my Notifications set to “off” for AGES, and I still get “[bullshit site I visit once] wants permission to send you alerts” etc allllll the time.

There’s ... a lot going on here.

Sigh. Well ... doing the right thing for the wrong reasons (or at least questionable reasons) is still better than doing the wrong thing. So, “win,” I guess?

To be fair, a “loggia” is a fairly specific thing, kinda like an attached colonnade rather than a normal “porch” — but yeah, “lanai” and “veranda” are mostly <eyeroll>. I guess “lanai” is acceptable if you’re selling a house IN HAWAII and using the common parlance, but use of “veranda” is almost always Pretentious

Getting frequent trims will NOT make your hair grow out, or grow out faster. It’s especially counter-productive if your hair grows very slowly! The ONLY time that frequent trims during a grow-out phase are really necessary is if your hair is suuuuuper damaged (like from a perm, highlights or frequent coloring,

This all seems extremely correct and accurate to me! However in your very evocative frappuccino-change scenario, I think any photo taken at that point would include a very obvious eye-roll and/or pointing and crotch-grabbing and obscenity-shouting.

It TOTALLY is. Though heh, I should note that those are not real German words, but were rather compounded/constructed by me and a legit German speaker would probably be like “wtf?” (or “wzt?” for “was zum Teufel?”).

I would have banked on Janis, because I ADORED Lizzy Caplan instantly. She’s without question the best part of that movie.

YES and also I kind of want to see these chicks go up against the Prancercize lady.

May I humbly suggest “kränkungverklemmen” which would translate roughly to “insult seize-up”? If you want to go whole hog (ganzenschwein) with it: kränkungüberlaufverklemmen (“insult overflow seize-up”).

I’m pretty sure it’s “gin digressions.”

Yeah, I don’t know how common/pervasive that particular clause is in the industry, but it’s NOT one I’d expect someone of Wahlberg’s, uh, “caliber” to be able to get away with in a RIDLEY SCOTT movie. Transformers Sequel #38, so he gets to approve the piece of tail actress he’s working with? Maybe. But a RIDLEY SCOTT

So will this earn him that dreaded “Difficult To Work With” label that results in your acting career going down the shitter, or at least leaving you glad to get roles in Lifetime movies? Or does that rule only apply to female performers who refuse to do nude sex scenes or touch the director’s pee-pee, not dudebros who

That’s some quality boyfriending right there. And I mean if you ever want kids, good to know he’s already got the Dad Joke thing down solid.

I don’t necessarily care so much about political experience as I do about policy experience. Throw her in some internship-type positions in the state department, labor, HUD, defense for a few years and yeah, sure. I don’t doubt that someone with Oprah’s charisma / people skills / force of personality could learn to be

High-five from a fellow childhood “monkey”! (I was also occasionally referred to as “the curtain-climbing yard ape.”) (In fairness it should be noted that I NEVER actually climbed any curtains. Tho I did climb pretty much everything else, including the kitchen counters in order to fling an open sack of dried peas over