
I’ve been using a cup only (no tampons pads etc) for 6-7 months now, and amazingly I’ve only had TWO instances of “oh holy shit it’s leaking” — once in month two because I hadn’t inserted it properly (it didn’t sproing open all the way so there wasn’t a complete seal) and once like a month ago on Day Two (aka the day

Man that is sadly not far off the mark some days. #actualliteralbloodbath

If you’d like to try one, I’d recommend reading a LOT of reviews for different brands (omg there’re so many) on Amazon, and scanning for someone who shares your issues with tampons?

Truth : they are exactly the right size for a shot glass. Just saying.

Hrm, IDK the Lena one — I found a very informative review on Amazon comparing the Diva and the Blossom re: size and stiffness level, and ended up going with the “large” Blossom one. So far, it’s been suuuuuper easy, and zero leaks. Only having to deal with it twice a day (most of the time) is just straight-up

Aw, boo! Well that’s a shame. Perhaps when more styles/types come out, there’ll be one that works for you? (I know there’s a pretty huge selection right now, but they primarily differ from one another only slightly in size and firmness.)

I have not tried Thinx! And I only tried the cup last summer/fall after SO many people telling me “omfg why haven’t you gotten one, you totally should.” But ugh, do I really want to be wrestling a piece of tupperware in and out of my hoo multiple times a day? (The answer is YES. YES I DO. Omg it’s sooooo much

I’d hardly call my brief mention “evangelizing,” but if being pissed off about it makes you happy, go for it, girl! <3

Or better yet, you ditch tampons altogether and use a cup!

THANK YOU. No, you are not. I find her grating as FUCK. She’s so try-hard and lookit me accctiinnnnng! in every single thing I’ve seen her in. All she lacks is a “HOO-AH” type catchphrase to join the ultimate pantheon of prop-chompers.

AND apparently straight-up stole a photography/artistic concept from cool black indie artists/photographers to use in a marketing campaign.

Agreeeeeed, I always have a whole mess of them on hand — some drugstore brand that makes black ones in kind of a grosgrain fabric that’s vaguely shiny like hair (black is my default hair color, tho it’s been blue for a couple years now) with a not-too-tight elastic inside and non-voluminous fabric. They’re SO good!

Well there’s a solid chance that the next time you update Windows or something it’ll go away ... :D

Heh, I used to do that too. But seriously — just click the Start button, search for “Character Map,” run it, and while it’s running right click on its button/slab in the TaskBar and select “Pin to Taskbar.” Easy! Now it’s always there!

Hey girl, it’s totally cool — but thank you! I was feeling pretty snarky myself yesterday ... probably we’re all in a big damn cranky hurry to throw 2017 to the greasy roach-infested dumpster it belongs in. <3

Aw, no worries! <3 And FUCKING DUH, right? I mean Win has copied like 90% of OSX’s other features, why leave this one out? <eyeroll>

Pfffft, oh girl that’s bullshit. Particular eyeshadow colors are “FOR” ... anyone who wants to wear those colors! I mean personally, I’m more concerned about stuff looking weird against my [very pink] skin tone, rather than how it’ll effect or accentuate my eye color. If there are shades you love but feel like they’re

The “...or not” was in reference to memorizing a bunch of keyboard commands that I’ll hardly ever use, instead of just holding down a letter for a second — not in reference to making the effort of including proper diacritical marks. Like, if you scroll up literally two comments? You’ll see where I made that [arguably

Or, you know, not.

Actually on a Mac, all you have to do is hold down the relevant vowel key for a couple seconds instead of just quickly tapping it — a menu will pop up with multiple options for that letter with diacritical marks, then you just press the number key corresponding to which one you want.