
I was honestly pretty disappointed that all the highlighters in colors I’d wear ... were ones I already had close dupes for. :( Def looking fwd to more matte lipstick releases tho, because I can NEVER have too many of those...

You know honestly, I kind of like this? I’ve personally got too much going on in the shoulders and chest to pull off this silhouette, but I’m sorta digging it.

LMK if you need to borrow my crimping iron and/or neon rubber bangles.

Oh god they all looked like Cheap Doll Clothes, aka a six-year-old’s idea of “fancy” — except the six-year-old would probably also have eschewed ivory or white for a gag-reflex-triggering shade of pink.

It is both hilarious and depressing AF to me that this carefully-crafted PR statement they’re sending out to the entire planet has a missing word and bad punctuation. “[...] days when we made dresses [FOR??] some of the most iconic women of the time [COMMA] like ...” Also, I don’t understand why they would be

Haven’t yet seen anything from the line that’s an “OMG MUST HAVE” for me — I’ve already got a shit ton of highlighters and lip things, and prefab eye palettes aren’t my jam. But I def do want to try the foundation at some point (nicely matte! the fairer tones aren’t all super yellow!), and have to say I diiiiig the

OH BUT, it depends on what kind of gold (orangey gold vs greeny gold vs cool champagne gold), and on what you pair it with! I’m very pale and pink, and gold stuff often looks weird when it’s directly on my skin. Frame it in a dark or neutral color tho, and it’s just fine. (Or a sheer gold glittery thing patted on top

OOOOOO that looks lovely! Endive leaves with ____ are one of my go-to finger foods! Tiny lemon-pepper shrimp, cilantro, goat cheese! Little strips of steak, pickled red onions, drizzle of lime greek yogurt! ANYTHING.


Yeah, I haven’t tried the Cosrx ones (but I have one of their face washes and looove it!) — I usually get either the 3M or Medca ones. Medca are usually a little less expensive than 3M or Cosrx, and they work GREAT for me.

That sounds like the name of a ship in The Culture, i.e. it is an EXCELLENT name.

Whoa that is IMPRESSIVE! <3


Aw, ty! Mildly ~obsessed~ with making these now. WOO, CRAFTING.

WOO I made fun magnetic eyeshadow palettes!

I would also disagree with the characterization of Farage as a “vaudeville villain,” because he is clearly an evil Muppet from Bizarro World.

Um, this whole look is A+. I’m feeling more christmassy already!

RIGHT? I have never had a fucking movie trailer make me so damn uncomfortable. The cheeze, the schmaltz, that absolutely poisonous music ... idk, I mean I recognize that Jackman does/is great at musical theater kind of stuff, but jesus goddamn christ this looks like the greatest shitshow on earth.

OR, your dog is a Hufflepuff who’s still bummed about that whole Tri-Wizard thing.

Heh, probably I think they would not allow that. But thank you! Also I just reread it and my inner copywriter is all “NOOOOO, you need to fix this, and that, and ...”