Agree. They could’ve made a fairly classy statement out of this. “The past year has been a tumultuous one for the entertainment industry, and marks a watershed moment of change in what entertainers and audiences expect from their workplaces and their public figures. We fully support this shift toward a culture of…
Would that be a ... a loin-topiary? Or a loin-garland?
You know what else is fucking me up, aside from planets transiting other planets and general right-wing fuckery? These stupid video ads GMG is now using that pop up after the first paragraph like five seconds after I’ve started reading the second paragraph so that I lose my place and have to scroll down to pick it up…
Man I can barely manage to post to my [work-related!] Instagram most of the time, much less read my feed. There is NO WAY I can handle twitter.
I don’t do twitter, but yeah, I like those two — also Christina. WOW, they dumped O’Brien and Swaim?! Those dudes were like, basically institutions there! :(
There must’ve been a post or something that I missed! I was wondering why the publishing sched seemed to be a little light, and just assumed it was bc of “holidays.” :( Well THAT sucks! A couple of their videos that I bothered to watch were pretty okay, but I prefer the article format for my Fun And Slightly Nerdy…
RIGHT? Like, I fucking love makeup, but I have a can’t deal with swatch/haul/tutorial videos for the most part. But a BFF sent me the “Contouring” one a couple weeks ago and I watched it like TEN TIMES. Oh god she is hilaaaaarious. (“If the men find out we can shape-shift, they’re going to tell the church.”) (And the…
This I Will Risk/Bother Hitting “Play” On : SailorJ videos, comprehensive swatch vids for an entire line of lipsticks etc BUT ONLY if I can’t find regular swatch photos elsewhere. That’s pretty much it.
Exactly. Video demands that your attention be more or less constant, and there’s SO MUCH super lame video content that nah, skip it.
I almost never watch — here, Cracked, Buzzfeed, etc — video articles get skipped. Is this an age thing? (IDK how old you are, but I’m 45.) Is it a “I prefer to get my video content from designated video sites” thing?
RIP MilliHelen. :( I’m still so sad about that.
Maybe before her wedding she can have a FUNKY BRUNCH.
It looks to me like all the sketches say “For Meghan Markie” — which, you’d think if the palace had a hand in soliciting these, the designer would’ve managed to spell the bride’s name correctly?
Uh, actually I do! <3 (join us, join usssss.)
I think most of their stuff is GREAT — the pressed powder blushes seem to maybe be underperformers, but the Super Shock stuff, the pressed shadows, and all their lip things are pretty terrific! Also, MakeupGeek pressed shadows usually have pretty solid reviews and aren’t expensive. <3 (I’m just now really getting back…
Squalane oil is ACES. It’s just a more shelf-stable version of a substance that your skin already produces (squalEne). I have super oily acne-prone skin, and my face loves that stuff! You can 100% use facial oils — just, if you’re prone to breakouts, look for oils with high linoleic / low oleic acid content, and check…
Have you tried any of ColourPop’s pressed powder shadows? I’ve got eight or ten of them and they’ve all been consistently REAL REAL GOOD. (And they’re like $4 each.)