Aw noooo that is so dismaying about the Shea Moisture owner! :( Esp since I recently got their Sacha Inchi conditioner and I’m fucking DEVOTED to it now.
Aw noooo that is so dismaying about the Shea Moisture owner! :( Esp since I recently got their Sacha Inchi conditioner and I’m fucking DEVOTED to it now.
I wouldn’t discount Lucas involvement, but it seems like the kid-bit could’ve so easily been a studio mandate : “not enough cutesy shit! the porgs and the sad abused-yet-adorable triangle-headed racing camels were NOT ENOUGH! there must be a precious Force Tot!”
That early scene with Poe and Hux ... that was so freaking weird but honestly I just LOVED it.
Okay, did any one else get a “hrm, what? [side-eye]” feeling about Laura Dern’s character and most of her scenes? I’ve only seen the movie once, so maybe it reads better after multiple viewings, but ... I found it a little off-putting.
Yeah, the kid thing at the end to me just felt tacked on, like a studio honcho saw the working cut and said “NO BUT THERE NEEDS TO BE A CUTE KID WHO CAN GROW UP IN THE NEXT ONE, because that worked so well for E1-3, people love those.” It was a little too Precious Moments for my tastes.
Agree on all counts. I loved the *content* of the books, but the writing style left me kinda cold. I feel like he’s maybe better at Ideas than at Execution, and that Garland’s take will be a BIG improvement — much more vibrant and alive.
RIGHT?? At least this line exists, tho they’re a little pricier than I’d prefer.
Is this who’s responsible for Sandra Lee’s ... whatever is wrong with Sandra Lee? Seriously, like, is this her abusive addled-on-cooking-sherry aunt? Because I sense a strong connection. Or it could just be the whiffs of cooking sherry and ranch dressing.
It IS actually kinda clever, in concept!
Well, you’re ordering from a “pharmacy” in India — much of their stuff appears to be made by the same big regional drug manufacturers who distribute all over (i.e. pharma companies don’t produce all their drugs in one location, they’ll often have manufacturing facilities on multiple continents). But, you don’t have…
So it’s like an even more twee version of Anthropologie? Soooo ... ModCloth, but without the extensive range of sizes?
Thank you so much for wasting your own time by telling me what a hypocritical piece of shit I am for making a distinction between cultural trash and meaningful political speech! Have a blessed day.
No, I’m really not. There’s a difference between nude photography that’s obviously meant to titillate or simply garner attention, and nude photography that has a deeper meaning or message. (Even SCOTUS thinks so.) Handler’s nudes clearly [to me] aren’t in the same category as those that are promoting body positivity,…
I agree, and Jez is hardly the only one. We on the left keep shouting to the skies that it’s not okay to shame or judge people based on this superficial crap ... except when it’s directed at people we don’t like? I’ve been guilty of this as well (many, many times), and really, we need to cut that shit out.
Of course I have. His ... “hair” (???) and his apparent spray tan are “fashion choices” he’s made, not things he can’t really help. But even so, I try to avoid it. I mean why punch so low when there’s so much blatant stupidity/arrogance/ignorance/evil to mock?
Saying that Chelsea Handler is an unabashed attention seeker rather than Someone With Important Serious Things To Say and that her semi-nude photos are obviously vacuous stunts is not “shaming” her. I’m not commenting on her looks, which are irrelevant. I’m commenting on her behavior, and how her history of vapid…
Uggggggh, sounds about right. :( And like, back in the day? Bill Maher was pretty good! I enjoyed his talk/debate show! But the last few years he’s just been a bitter, arrogant hack.
Every time we comment or joke about someone’s appearance — when that has little or nothing to do with their job — we are A) being fucking shitty and B) taking away focus from the real issues : that they’re bad at their job, or just a trash person in general. I don’t care what SHS looks like. I care that she’s an inept…
PSSST : Just put your doc’s name and number in the form. They do not actually call to check! Or at least they don’t for this product!