Dear Connecticut,
Bless your heart. We’re not giving them back.
Dear Connecticut,
Bless your heart. We’re not giving them back.
I’m surprised this is even an article here, but I also noticed that Ryan Felton’s name isn’t on it. Say something extreme at a bargaining table, the other side balks, rants, and raves, then they come back with an offer better than you were expecting. No journalist seems to know this negotiation strategy. Thank…
So if Trump actually takes the deal, doesn’t enact a tariff, and gets the EU to drop all of theirs, will Jalopnik post a big “well, crap, Trump did a good thing” article?
Dont worry Jalopnik is here to remind you that Trump is still very bad at deals and this is most certainly not Europe coming to the table but rather them really winning.
This simply can’t be. This is exactly how Trump is hoping his tariffs will work, which I have read on the internet, isn’t possible.
I would never own a full-sized pickup(except for maybe a SRT10), but warning bells go off when someone starts opining on what everyone else should drive. I can see similar arguments made against V8 ponycars- two inefficient, too big, too powerful, etc. My overriding vehicular ownership philosophy is: What car or…
They haven’t opened their borders like Sweden (Who is now starting to suffer economically) so I think they will be ok. For now.
Tell me again how it is that Kotaku’s staff reconciles its constant bitching about the objectification of women in videogames while promoting this shit?
So, being a veteran and a conservative - but also being the kind of guy who hates being labeled simply because of those things - I attempted to read this as objectively as possible. I got about halfway before I had so many thoughts and comments.
1. Wife and I have been married 16 years, and yeah, we have no intention…
You forgot to mention the part-time housekeeper and the full-time virtual personal assistant. So I guess the key to parenting like her is to outsource all the tedious stuff like cooking, laundry, and planning (which I would seriously hate to give up but am willing to try). Seems reasonable.
There are over 80,000 federal and state gun laws now. What more, exactly, do these people want that we don’t already have. They never answer that question. Every single issue they complain about is already a felony.
This article has given me she great ideas for my own activist group. “Americans Demanding Parents be Responsible for their Children’s action.” Instead of blaming a tool (I get it its an easy scape goat) why not blame those responsible for raising children who lash out in acts of extreme violence?
People should have children, then separate and then date other people?
I can take a lug nut off with a ratchet or an impact. Both do the same job, one does it easier.
And if humans only operated with what they need, we would all still be hunter gatherers. This whole argument is predicated on people wanting things is somehow bad.
Dude chill the hell out, we are sitting here discussing hypocrisy and states rights, and while you may not see it, if you really believe in a states ability to enforce these stringent environmental regulations, then you should respect their right not to...If you are coming in here to flip this on its head and suggest…
Those people, are, I presume, Americans, because it’s in our goddamned country.
So what, if you can’t pay the debt then your off scott free? What do you do with people who cant pay? Well, we send em to jail, but assuming that’s not an option, what would you do?
Monitored, unpaid community service for X time within Y time frame? What do you do with people with kids?
Un-paid manual labor? Probably…
How can you tell skin color based on a parked vehicle? I’m genuinely interested, this is a new one of me...