
Nobody gets denied by KIA have you not seen a Kia dealership? or commercial?

Sounds like you should talk to your employer, as mine gave us plenty to pay for the increase in gas, though it is actually gone done twenty cents since Memorial Day, shocker I know...

How about we teach kids not to bully each other so demented fucks don’t show up to kill someone. I wonder if we offered to stop some kids from looking at porn we took all the computers in school away if they would be ok with that? Fix the underlying problems of mental health and stronger background checks for mental

I guess EVERY city does not include Charleston, SC

First off, I think it is unfair to categorize all SUVs in your article, as some performed well, I think it is just manufacturers not prioritizing this particular safety aspect as they should. I am sure their are some compacts that don’t perform well does that mean we should avoid all compact cars?

So just curious if you will issue a correction, an apology, or at least thank the man for proving you and all the nitwits who posted here wrong?

I just thought it was your hate of trucks/SUVs being applied to a video game.

Or like having a 65 inch TV is better than a 25 inch TV, people want what they want and will figure out how to pay for it. Plus in my area gas has actualy come down the last 3 weeks. But I also do live in a state with a regressive gas tax...California...

Except Norway is not paying for the protection of the free world, that would be predominantly the United States Armed Forces. Also see Japan, See Germany, See Korea, See Tiawan....I think the pattern is pretty clear.

Does it not bother anyone else that the wheel on the drivers side has the shoes on backwards? I man if you are going to use directional wheels at least make them the right direction.

This is some kind of joke right?

Good for you so why do you care what your neighbor buys or anyone for that matter? And others come on here and dump on people who made a decision different from you?

Yeah like the fact that SUV’s were not really a major thing until the late 90s at best, prior to that they where trucks. During that time was the rise of the minvan and the death of the station wagon. Once CUV/SUV becomes uncool something else will take its place. Until then let people buy what they want, and better

Why the fuck do you care what people say, its fuckers like you that make people feel like they have to justify their purchase. We bought the CX-5 because it offered what my wife felt she “needed/wanted”, style, room, height, price, etc and then fucktards like you and this website constantly blast people for buying

You could also live in a tiny house or an RV but few people do. I have Miata, and 2018 GTI because I love cars, but we also have a 2017 Mazda CX-5 because guess what, my wife liked it. But all you holier than thou people have to yell and scream at people who have different taste or needs from you. I have an idea, how

As an adoptive parent this article hit really close to home, but your comment also rang with me that unfortunately we now live in a scociety where it is okay to call a women a c*** on national television but we have to apologize to talk about our faith. I will pray for the pain to be eased in the authors life and

Literally what the fuck are you talking about? The comment was made about “States Rights” not the diatribe you just mounted about “global warming”. I am all for each state doing what ever the fuck they want to do. If California wants to require you to mount solar panels on your roof, that is up to the people of

So where were you fighting for States Rights under Obama...crickets. Its funny how all you liberals want a national education standard but now you don’t want national automotive standards. But I understand as long as its your guy in charge, its do as I say, that is the definition of hypocrisy, and yes the Republicans

Kind of like Democrats under Obama right?

Don’t bring facts into this argument, this is what we call confirmation bias. Please provide one piece of evidence that our President wants to ban MB from the USA. You people are drowning in your hatred.