
I wouldn’t be very excited even if the claim were true.

I think it was ironically bad on purpose. The story, written by respected author Charles Stross, is inspired by 80's Robert Heinlein and the setting is a reality where humanity is long dead and all that remains are our robots settled all across our solar system. The main character is a sex-bot in an era that no longer

Here’s Minerva, (Full name Minnie Minerva), on the right, with her latest dalliance, Felix.

Nope, Ace Books, about ten or eleven years back. You could buy this in a real bookstore, for money.

For a certain part of internet his ponytail/beard style is known as yeard. I’m old enough to remember when the fandom first learnt what a giant douchebag he is and the whole make fun of Terry Goodkind books (it was for a while a very popular thing on all the fantasy messageboards and blogs) was a prequel to what

People need to remember that if Shakespeare* was alive today he’d be doing “low brow” popcorn movies. His oeuvre includes romantic comedies with dick jokes, “edgy” action romps with ghosts, witches, tragic villains and suicidal heroes, and most of his stuff includes actors rapping the closing dialog of a scene in

I spent a lot of time in Canada, the stripper in Quebec are the sluttiest. (in a good way), it is sort of like folklore up there about them.

Halle Berry dressed like a Québécois stripper

Uhg. You don’t get how your boss asking you for sex may be different than a coworker asking for sex? Like it might affect your career or something?

If someone can speak English with a Xhosa accent, why couldn’t someone speak French with a Xhosa accent?

1. Hoping he’d be off the film because he wasn’t a good husband is overreach and dangerous. We can’t start witch-hunting, mostly because it gives a decent amount of deniability to actual offenders. “I didn’t do anything wrong, I just got accused without proof just like Joss!”

That’s just what can happen sometimes. The excuse of “not having any ideas” is an incredibly underrated one. I think it’s hard for people to wrap their head around the fact that Whedon is still seen as a femimist writer and major force helping women in the industry today, even despite the affairs and the way he

Ya this is 100% new people, nobody from its heyday is still around. Its not even “Mainframe Entertainment” they changed the name to Rainmaker Studios.

The answer is no.

Unsure but I’d wager half hour-like.

Seems to have more in common with TRON than ReBoot.

Okay had to look this up. This article is wrong in calling this a “film” since it is actually 26 episodes getting dropped on the 30th. Looks like this is a full series which this article mis-leads about.

Afree high school, I actually fell in with a new group of friends about 10-15 years my senior (one is the local FLGS owner) and it was like night and day compared to some of my hs buddies. There were a few solid ones, but so damn many trolls and party griefers.

You assume I’m scared of guns because of ignorance. Not true.I am a gun owner—I own three. In fact we share one in common: the replica M1 Garand you posted above. I’m not scared of guns because I’m ignorant of them. I’m scared of them because everybody should be. Guns are designed to kill; anybody who isn’t scared of