
You’re right, there’s nothing that hasn’t been done before. But it’s well-executed, and Mia Goth’s performances are excellent.

Agreed, I don’t understand why X is so popular, and I watched Pearl, and found it even worse. I’m not sure what people think these movies bring to the table that hasn’t been done before countless times.

I’m with you. It looks like an OK studio movie. My kids are too old for this so maybe if my nieces and nephews end up with me, I’ll take them to it.

You are spot on about its influence on Spider-Man. They even got Elfman to do the theme music, and it has definite similarities.

That’s fair. It’s certainly not how I would do it. I’ll have to re-watch, but it seemed to me like the Doctor was against any contact. But yeah, I probably wouldn’t want my bio-mom surprising me at the local coffee shop.

No, I just watched Batman 89 yesterday; it’s weird. I think Burton has historically had some issues with women. Not misogyny, like you said, but just issues, mostly related to his maturity imo.

You are right about TFA- I still use those subway cups daily. And it had the whole “Force Friday” merch launch event. But even back then it felt alike a throwback to an earlier era of movie marketing to me. 

Yeah, Phantom Menace is the last massive merchandising campaign I remember. The two massive franchise that came right after - Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, absolutely had merch, but their marketing strategy didn’t feel the same at all. They were adaptation of solid, established literary properties, after all.

The two fairly recent films whose advertising were as omnipresent and obnoxious as Batman 89, in my memory, were The Force Awakens and Avengers: Endgame. I still recall going grocery shopping at Walmart in 2015, and nearly every item in my cart had a Star Wars character on it. 2-Liter of soda? Kylo Ren’s face on it.

reminds me of an old joke. “look how much money batman made!” “yeah imagine how much it wouldve made if it was good”

Back then, a popular movie could run in the theaters for an entire summer and longer.

There was definitely something in the air that year. Full grown adults were wearing branded merchandise before the movie’s release. I bet there were even North Koreans wearing that ball cap.

clap clap clap clap

Fallen and Virus are underrated gems.

It’s so weird how this has inverted in my lifetime. In Jules Feiffer’s The Great Comic Book Heroes (1965!) he posited that Superman is “really” Superman, and Clark Kent is the disguise — which is true if you think of Silver Age dweeby Clark; and Bruce Wayne is the “real” guy and Batman is a disguise, which is of

What about T.I.M from last year or even a bit unrelated Replicas from 2018?

Black Mirror’s 2nd season had one about a guy that died and he was replaced by an AI that could make phone calls, but then it progressed to a guy she could rehydrate in a tub and it was sort of like an android that was like the dead guy. It was sad with a few uplifting parts. 

obviously theyre the same person man. its just a figurative way of saying that batman as a character works best in stories where batman takes focus and has a secret mansion above his cave that he accesses through a fake stalagmite and where he keeps a closet full of tuxedos and business suits to wear when he fights

Would she? Because Ayn Rand was big into the world being a simple black and white dichotomy. Which is how Butcher sees the world...and he is proven wrong again and again. 

Ya and the context of this article is f***ing dumb I thought my less then serious responses to your comment gave that away... nobody is offended by this. Its a bloody good movie.