
I don’t thing Destiny ever really captured that classic MMORPG feel that those games did. (Note, I am NOT saying D2 isn’t an MMO).

Ghostbusters (2016) was bad. Studio interference could have made it worse. It probably wouldn’t have made much of a difference. Fan hatred for it was definitely over the top because it was an all female cast. Leslie Jones got the brunt of the hate because she’s a black actress who is not conventionally attractive.

It…can be both? It’s not like Afterlife wasn’t also a heartless, unfunny cash grab.

Why was it easier for Caitlyn Jenner to change her gender than it was for Cassius Clay to change his name?” I understand his point, and I’m not chosing sides. However, to address his question directly, it might be because the name change was 59 years ago. If Ms. Jenner had tried to change gender in March of 1964, she

It's always great when companies stick to their values even after backlash, because than it is on the consumer to vote with their choices and we can really see how important things are to people

The Babysitter was pretty good. Fear Street however, had no right turning out as good as it did. I loved the structure of it, and I’m a bit surprised we haven’t seen anything else try something similar yet. In the era of streaming, having everything fit into the traditional ‘film’ or ‘series’ box really isn’t

Green Lantern is my all time favorite hero from as long as I can remember (which is longer than I care to admit) and the Green Lantern movie just broke my heart.

The thing is, the movie presents Hobie subjectively, as the perfect embodiment of “the boy you think the girl you like digs”: he’s rebellious, mature, handsome, has cool stuff, etc. By design, it’s unclear how much of that is true and how much is just Miles’ feelings of inadequacy and romantic jealousy.

Ironically, I wish Dune WOULD have a Director’s Cut with an extra hour or so - there needed to be more, imo, of why Paul Atreides is so dangerous. The Prana Bindu training from his mother, his grasp of statecraft (the famous banquet scene, which I think they actually did film?), etc. Some more time with him and the

Although Miles takes Hobie for a rival at start, it’s pretty clear from Gwen’s point of view that she’s had no other romantic interests. 

It’s worth watching if only to see and understand why it's bad. 

I don’t regret putting myself through the Snyder cut. Rather than preemptively shitting on it without giving it a fair shake, I now have good reason to do it. By the end of that slog, I was bored out of my mind and angry that he had the gall to throw in an extra half hour after the credits as if he thought it it was

I will put a fiver on “Well, you see, the movie is actually anti-woke!”

I never personally thought he came across that much older. Just more street-worn.

Netflix insisted that shorter films do better on their service, which is why it got split in two. The initial release is apparently a pair of ~2 hour films and the really self-indulgent version will be ~5 hours.

ehhhh he’s a punk, with possible substance abuse he could be 18 for what we know ;)

Keep in mind, WB has been on a downward spiral since the Blu-ray era began at the very least. I don’t think they’re really capable of good ideas.

I love, love this game. I remember the announcement on E3, I remember being extremely excited for the release (this era was a gaming desert to me- it seemed that the time of whacky AA games was dead, so to see something close to that was a breath of fresh air to me). I was a queer young woman in college with a sparkly