
I haven’t actually seen The Great Wall, I had listed it because it faced similar criticism.

this movie was not appealing and then I saw it and it had such a fragile beauty to it in the end that it made me sad and still makes me sad just thinking of it. because what happened to them happens to all of us at some point, though the world itself may not end in real life. sad. best not to think of such think or

Now playing

So, to be clear, IDGAF. I’m so ready for this movie. Johnson isn’t a fine act-orrr but he’s fantastic screen presence and his craft has done nothing but improve over the years. He’s this era’s Arnie. I say he’s already surpassed Arnie’s acting chops. The torch was passed and Johnson has run with it.

It’s not like the show airs on History, or something

If you want to apply “real world” rules then it’s just as plausible (in fact probably moreso) that a lack of interaction and influence from the rest of the world would lead the culture to evolve much more slowly and have a number of highly regressive traits.

I’m all for bringing Kraven into the MCU, but only if he drives the Kra-Van:

Verhoeven! My man.

Agreed. People are so consumed by the question of whether Bay could do a Lobo film, they forgot to ask if Bay SHOULD do a Lobo film...

YES. He’s a director that’s gotten WORSE over time, IMO. People point to “PAIN & GAIN” as an example of him being able to do comedy, but it is TERRIBLE. It’s comedy by someone who doesn’t understand comedy. His philosophy on comedy is to cast people as sight-gags. Comedy to make bullies laugh. Comedy by a dumb high

Lobo is supposed to be a parody of the hyperviolent, hypermasculine anti-heroes that became popular after Wolverine. In the hands of Michael Bay, however...I don’t think he would understand the “parody” part of it.

Wow seriously, then lets forget about this movie then....

Take no offense, Collex. I certainly meant none.

I believe that a lot of the score is done by, Ludwig Göransson (white, in case you missed it) with a lot of West and South African and tribal influences. But it does speak to how black Americans feel that hip-hop, because it’s in some ways built on African musical tropes is somehow the definitive, universal expression

There are four African singers that make guest appearances on the album- But they’re all known for having a very Western sound. Personally, I really don’t think it’s enough- But I’m a musician myself, who listens to a lot of world music and has friends in the African drumming community- So maybe I’m just hyper aware

If the number of back seat drivers isn’t a clear indication of how many people are on board for this movie, I don’t know what is.

In a similar vein, the Homecoming stinger that was just Cap reminding you how much time you wasted sitting around for basically nothing was perfect.

Same for French.

Why would you play this dreck when you have so many amazing quality GoT games to choose from?

Why would you play this dreck when you have so many amazing quality GoT games to choose from?

Monopoly is a terrible game. It’s barely a game. Here are two better alternatives that are similar.

Monopoly is a terrible game. It’s barely a game. Here are two better alternatives that are similar.

First to poke my head in and say “Just buy the actual Game of Thrones board game instead because it’s really good and the Monopoly people don’t need any more of your fucking money.”

First to poke my head in and say “Just buy the actual Game of Thrones board game instead because it’s really good