
I’m not reading the story (and am on a break from superheroes for the moment) but there is something like a demand of static from some comic fans. A character must stand for what it always stood for and what it always stood for is my interpretation.”

I have a major crush on Eddie Redmayne’s smile so I will never be sad to see him, but yeah, his character was far from compelling. And Katherine Waterston as Tina? Whose idea was it to cast her? They need to be fired. She was definitely the worst thing about the movie, IMO. I also agree about Colin Farrel. He was

That’s my point. If you want to do young Dumbledore, do a full on Dumbledore movie. Don’t shoehorn Newt in there.

I did. But that’s only because Dave in accounting had already picked Miles Teller.

In hindsight, not the best picture to use as a header without context.

You don’t see how they hype any male characters?? There is tons of coverage of all the major characters, who are still a predominantly male crowd: Spidey, Cap, Batman, Superman, Thor etc etc .... a quick google shows 1,310,000 mentions of spiderman on io9 and only 650,000 mentions of the word Squirrel (which would

whew, yeah - i remember him telling the therapist that he was taunted, working his job at the zooo; if it was done by two of the three girls he kidnapped... that flew right on over my head.

Yep. Knowing the twist in advance has made me want to watch the movie.

Yeah, and Fox’s X-Men movies are officially Earth-10005 and Sony’s Spider-Man movies are Earth-96283 (Raimi) and Earth-120703 (Webb). They’re as much canon to the comics as the MCU is, which is not at all.

I think the issue here is that Ike Perlmutter is an insane racist far-right extremist so on board the Trump train that he was part of the inauguration committee, and nobody at Marvel wants to piss him off.

Spencer knows perfectly well that this is political, and he knows we know it, but he also knows the CEO of the

I’m still wondering if we’re in the 616 or not anymore.

I meant the guy punching the neo-nazi was Marvel’s newest hero.

It’s called Captain America: Sam Wilson. So the symbol you want exist - use it!

Not religious and here’s what I love about this article:

Merriam-Webster would beg to differ, as would I.

he was... in 2012, drawing a hidden message in Batgirl for showing his support for Jokowi - Ahok (before Jokowi become President in 2014). sadly he changed his PoV so... he’s mocking Ahok now

The way religious beliefs informs political views in Indonesia is.... complicated. There are quite a few people who, while not pro-FPI in any meaningful sense, do feel that Ahok should be tried for breaching the anti-blasphemy law.

The artist is pro-212 so believes non-Muslims should not hold higher office. The irony is he will likely use free speech grounds to justify his coded messages while at the same time condemning the governor for doing the same when he made the statement about the passage in the Quran being manipulated.

Most commenters are reacting as it it is pro-FPI, but I agree I was not sure from the writing in the article. The article is trying so hard not to take aside against a muslim group, it is too vague in covering what the issue was.

It was coold having the cheap multicolor commands though. Silumgar’s could have been maybe uub1 or uubb instead of the ub3 that made it a little too high to play >.>