
Agree on all points. No idea why they thought stretching to make racism jokes would fit well in a light-hearted superhero comedy. Really bizarre and awkward.

I now want a Star Wars version called Secret Palpatine. It could be Republic vs Separatists and policy cards would be Sith ideology.

Ha! That’s just what you want us to think! I’m on to you, Movie Critic Illuminati™.

Dude me too. I’m baffled by the Supergirl Fandom. Half of it is talking about how toxic and abusive Mon-El is to Kara, and I’m like: “I don’t see it”. Kara proved in this episode that she wears the pants in her relationships. She owned Mon-El, Mxy, hell she told Maggie to get it together. Kara Zor-El was the Boss

I will admit that that is possible.

That is how I took it too, and I thought it was pretty clear that the whole point of the episode was to show how both Mixy and Mon-El were ignoring what Kara said and she was setting them straight in her own way.


Everyone’s all, “ARRG, Mon-El acted like a dickbag and still got the girl!” but they ignore the fact that he was CALLED OUT on being a dickbag and punished for it until he learned what he did wrong. He even says at one point in the show that life was easier when he objectified women and acted like

That’s how I took it. I also like the Mon-El/Kara relationship. Also, Winn found a lady...

Yeah, that’s pretty much how I took things too. Kara stopped being what amounted to almost a passenger in her relationships. She asserted her control and really started getting Mon-El to respect her as an equal, something that I expect he’s never really done before. Nor do I think he’s ever really apologized before.

In this case because it’s a “white” story. I’m a proud “SJW” (i.e., diversity is good, throwback whiny babies will deal) but let’s stop with the lazy man’s way of showing diversity by changing a key character’s race, sex or orientation without addressing how the character’s race, sex or orientation would impact the

The Kingdom is very Sunni.

Iran is Shi’a and pretty much every other country in the Middle East is majority or entirely Sunni.

Horde v Dunn: Dawn of Shamylans Career Revival

I really liked the Village and Signs was okay, but I thought both would be much better with Willis in the Quiet Man roles in each (instead of William Hurt and Mel Gibson, respectively). I also think they would have done much better critically, and maybe prevented M. from attempting the ultra-horrible Happening and

I’ve come to terms with the fact that in this case “live-action” is just the best short hand for the hyper-realistic aesthetic they’re going for. If you just say CG-animated it can bring to mind something more like a Pixar movie.

Sigh. Everybody always forgets Lion King 1.5.

John Wick 2 is the most recent example I’ve seen. It started at 71 and finished at 75 (additionally outscoring the original!)

And Germain Lussier also thought BvS was a great movie, so... yeah. I’m still on the fence about it.

It’s worth pointing out that the early reviews are coming from reputable sources.

“Oh my god, I’m so fucking full of your fake news writing dick!” I yell. “You’re filling my ass like you’ve filled my brain with misinformation!”