

You might be on to something. Some of their current books are, heaven forbid, getting into the high teens and 20s right now. So they’re clearly overdue for a slate-cleaning relaunch.

oh cmon... the two red dragons beating the crap out of the gold dragon was ... something.... look leave me just a little of my fond childhood memories kay?

I think it’s actually quite meaningful. She was wearing her hair in the 3-bun style because that was how it was when she was abandoned on Jakku. So her changing her hair could mean that she has either abandoned her hope of being found by her family OR has found her family!

Rat’s tail....

I think they are slowly coming around and realizing they don’t all have to be 20-something/high school students.

No, it’s perfectly correct. You have to assume he doesn’t just ‘fall from grace’ but ‘becomes stupid’. I don’t care how drunk, thuggish, and cruel you become, your IQ doesn’t drop 50+ points. Bruce is still Bruce underneath it all. There’s no math that leads to Batman defeating Superman UNLESS he outsmarts him.

All that? It’s three sentences, c’mon.

But 40 year olds are cool on the CW, so long as they were connected to the original Beverly Hills 90210 in some way.

CW’s latest DC addition

Weird thing is that Snyder remembers it as batman shooting her in the head!

“It could be the first movie to get all of this right, or it could get nothing right.”

All of her articles here are such downers. There’s never any positive aspect to anything.

Wonder Woman isn’t produced by Disney, and I’m sure Katharine just forgot to transcribe the qualifier “at the studio” from the original story. That said, I thnk the larger point is still a valid one — the big-budget, high-profile Hollywood Directors’ Club is still a sausage-fest.

That, as The Hollywood Reporter points out, will make her and Ava DuVerney (for A Wrinkle in Time) the only female directors for movies that have over $100 million in the budget.

No, he shot the mutant in the shoulder

True. To answer your question, I have a box of basics that I can use for building or draft, but I don’t know how many of each there are.

He doesn’t look like Starfleet material, but they’d love him in the Imperial Klingon Defense Force.

Zack Snyder has went on record several times talking about how much he hates superman and how he wants to kill him on film. He doesn’t understand nor does he like the character he’s made two movies about, so no wonder we barely see Clark and why we have such a dower and somber/boring superman.

That’s the problem with Mars. You get burnt by rock snakes and retrometabolised by Mysterions.