
I’m Canadian (Montreal). From my perspective, he’s more centre than left. I think he’s good, but he could be better.

Alright so it is as stupid as expected good.

Maybe it’s too big, but what about “let’s do the time warp again”?

party? ...i need a data base on .”Its ...  time” quotes stat!

Never mind that you’re absolutely right, and that if old or new readers want to have MALE Iron Man they can read the entire back catalog going back to 1963 in trades which can be purchased at comic stores or found in libraries and found online (legally or not-so)...

Snyder doesn’t give a shit about Clark Kent - he just cares about telling the story of a demigod.

I’ve heard people defend the scene saying “it’s not about Martha, it’s about Batman realising that Superman has a human side and connecting to him that way”, as if anyone who hates it is too stupid to figure out that very obvious point.

exactly. also how does the “worlds greatest detective” know superman’s identity but not know his mothers name? it seams like the minimum you would do, if you were doing a background check is to find out the persons parents names...

I know right? It would have been more impactful if he had said mother. Basically hit Bruce right in the feels as a son who couldn’t save his own mother. They could have even included a quick flash to Martha Wayne being shot from young Bruce’s perspective.

Because of plot reasons.

To my memory, which indeed may be faulty, this was the first time he EVER on screen refers to his mom by her first name.

Saw an interview with one of the BVS team (honestly can’t remember who, had stopped caring at that point) and the reason was that Clark urging Bats to “save Martha” was Clark’s journalistic cunning coming through - with no defence left he dropped the M bomb knowing it was an emotional trigger for Bats.

Right? If Superman wanted to show Batman that he was just a regular ol’ guy guy, why didn’t he just say ‘mother?’ Which was the point of the scene, NOT that their mothers were both named Martha, as so many people have seemingly been unable to grasp. But it was stupid because of the reasons you listed.

I think it’s a case of something that was a worst case scenario fiction becoming a present day reality because they set this in motion before they would even be able to tell it was going to be which makes for interesting story telling. I’d gladly give up the interesting stories to be away from where we are right now.

This argument makes no sense. I have referred 100s of new comic readers in my life. You don’t tell them to go buy all the newest books that are coming out. You send them to the best of the best from the back issues, of which there is a literal lifetime worth of reading for all the classic characters you mentioned.

I never got this. There are trades. That’s why there are trades. It’s as if The Killing Joke still isn’t one of the highest selling graphic novels for a reason.

I think manifesto is a bit of a strong word for it considering that when these political issues come up, Cap just does what the reasonable thing to do is and protect the helpless (i.e. saving the illegal immigrants from being captured by the serpent society)

Yeah, Captain Falcon’s book has hardly been subtle in its politicism. And I get that that’s the intent, but that and many other books have been the driving force behind the paradigm shift that will soon be taking place in Marvel’s books. Whether it’s a left or right wing point of view, people don’t want to pick up a

Here is a screenshot, complete with Staff of One.

Tina Minoru was master of the Hong Kong sanctum.