
This is Gooey Gus. A toy turned monster from Ghostwriter.

Ivan Ooze was a blast.

And he was on one date. Geeeze girl. Grow a pair and interrupt that shit. You already know he likes you.

Kara needed a hug after last night’s episode.

This movie does do well in bringing pain and conflict within us to light.

Nail on the head.

Agreed. I enjoyed Split because it is an A-list B-movie helped along by a cast that’s much better than is strictly necessary and the best writing and direction Shyamalan’s managed in years. Dude, you made one hell of a low-budget fairground sideshow — and that’s no bad thing — so don’t fuck it up by taking yourself waa

People really need to stop defending lazy horror tropes. As you stated, the writer can pull it off it he simply cares.


Yeah, when I read that, I was like “So cold-blooded murder is heroic now?”

has such a strong sense of justice that he hunts down the guys who killed his parents?

Oh, that’d be nice. Isn’t Kripke dead to the CW and vice-versa?

I read Nora as mid 40s, short haired. I actually imagined her with much shorter, grown-out-buzzcut hair. And much less wistful, but I’ll accept that’s partially the art style.

They need to play it straight, and have former CIA / NSA / FBI analysts come in to the oval office, and give Baldwin’s Trump a Presidential Briefing (nothing top secret) and then everyone turns to the camera and says “Mr. President, this seems to be the only way to get you to pay attention to what really matters. Live

I totally agree about building out Earth-38. Kara has already gone up against more than a dozen powered aliens or earthlings bent of destruction: it’s only logical that there are more powered do-gooders in that universe than herself, her cousin, and J’onn.

Never noticed that before!!

It’s not going away anytime soon. Your country elected an inept idiot that will impact many aspects of our world whether you like it or not - technology and science included. Please, don’t ignore or downplay this and make the Divided States of Trump the new norm.

Actually, that would be pretty interesting.

Thumbs up!

I’m an asexual, and I consider myself queer. In my experience its been about 50% of us that will use the term for themselves and 50% that dont, more because it had negative connotations for so long, rather than they consider themselves outside the LGBTIAQ Community