
Danged SJWs ruining Star Wars by taking its message of fighting against fascist bigoted government and applying it to a fascist bigoted government.

Battle Pope versus Preacher for the souls of mankind.

Nah. I think AI and machines taking is over is still completely relevant today. When I read comments under articles on the latest robots from MIT - people are freaked out. Drones and robots with weapons are closer to reality than ever before. It’s only a matter of time before someone with a drone shoots or blows

But it was a twist- not in the story itself, but rather at the meta-narrative level. You think you’re watching a campy horror thriller and suddenly you’re in a super-villain origin story. And it was reasonably well done. Foreshadowed well-enough, in hindsight, that it didn’t seem tacked on completely.Iron man one was

Indeed that’s probably the best argument for including them is that they’re more likely to be accepted and date within the LGB community, although I am always surprised how many “straight” men are interested in pre op trans women. 

Guardians grew by word of mouth and good reviews though, I am not surprised to find it didn’t have a great opening weekend.

The funny is the difference in the vibe.

What if it is? What if it’s an elaborate God damned joke they’re playing on us? What if Jeroker turns to the fourth wall in the very last scene of the show and winks and says, “Got you!” then impishly gallavants stage-left?

Similar situation for me. I love reading a new (paper) book, but I hate storing the floppies. The digital copy system lets me keep a collection while passing on the original to a friend or family member who probably wouldn’t read it otherwise.

I’ve long been in the camp of the Marvel fans who redeem digital codes. Here’s the big thing-

You speak the truth about the pacing of that movie. I think my biggest problem with the movie are the weird, totally random pauses the Eddie Redmane takes between words or phrases. Could’ve cut 10 minutes off the movie without those pauses

Yeah international matters. But International dollars is like 60% the worth of US dollars because of all of the distribution deals and other regs and costs. Which is already like half the value because of theater cuts and marketing. It was also a big disappointment in word of mouth which means they can’t count on the

And a different rich white guy last season, although there were some more repercussions for the Theo killing than for the Mario killing.

Aw, Moon-Girl and Devil Dinosaur! The smartest person in the Marvel Universe right now is a nine year old black girl who sometimes trades minds with Jack Kirby’s Devil Dinosaur. It is surprisingly good, and I’m laying aside trades for when my nieces are a tiny bit older.

Squirrel Girl is absolutely a book that sounds like it belongs in this conversation. I’d also consider suggesting Gotham Academy on the DC side.

Plus, it was a convenient way to have a self-vs-self fight (Batman v. Batman fighting over who is more noble, God damn).

I’ve learned my lesson on these, that’s what I’m going to do.

Nuns with guns...

And yet he somehow escaped nomination for this: