
I liked Thor 1 better...

Hell, Harley came up with the original costume all by herself, Joker had nothing to do with it.

Is it just me or does it seem that everytime they update her outfit it has less and less material?

Now the novelty has worn off, I wish they made more traditionally drawn movies. Those 3d bobbleheads still don’t feel like a legit animation for me, even when pretty. Lilo and Stitch and Tarzan have aged much better than the aforementioned Pixar movies, even though Tarzan’s animation was sub-par at moments. They are

From the moment the Prince turns out to be a bad guy, Frozen becomes amazing. But that hour before was okay at best.

We all know Lego Movie deserved the Oscar Big Hero Six got

It occurred to me yesterday that I’m watching him not as Lucifer, but as Good Omens’ Crowley. As portrayed by Tom Ellis, that character is very much how I picture an angel who did not fall so much as saunter vaguely downwards.

The first was one of the worst things I've ever sat through, and more of the same is as appealing as hemorrhoids.

Of course there’s another explanation...they’re back filming on that island for Rey’s training/whatever in VIII and they’ve just cut in footage from TFA.

Now playing

Your not alone. Did you ever see this short fam film? I thought they got the feel super right.

Come on io9, still in the greys?!

Nice. Isn’t “one bad day” a sly Joker reference?

I know you want me,
I see you bustin,
Say you don’t want me,
Girl you just frontin...

I know! The Ahsoka isn’t quite as good, sadly - fuzzy face, basically - but the Anakin’s pretty decent. I still really want a cool-looking Hera figure, but it just isn’t happening.

I have the Sabine Disney Infinity figure/statue.

I want the Sabine soooooooooooo bad. I got the “Ezra’s Speeder” Lego set just to get sabine, and Ezra was quickly relegated to the spare parts bin so I could get Sabine on the bike.

You’ve been Poe’d. No, not handsome, charming Poe Dameron Poe’d.

It looked like the fighting system from Arkham Knight. Which was weird. And awesome.

I half expected to see a Rocksteady’s Arkham GUI overlay on those opening Batman scenes. :D