
No one will ever be as fun as alternate timeline evil Willow.

Arrow producer Marc Guggenheim recently took to his tumblr to answer fan questions. When asked about a possible return for Slade Wilson, he said that the character of Deathstroke was now off limits, due to involvement with another live-action DC project. Whether that’s a film or a TV show, Guggenheim didn’t mention.

As long as Melissa Benoist and Blake Jenner are married, we can probably expect Cat’s son to show up from time to time. His work schedule might have had as much to do with his workload as anything else. He has a movie that he produced in post-production and promotion for the new Richard Linklater film in April.

Thanks! Good tips. I love helpful everyone is!

That article seems to be based on *TWO* whiny comic book store owners.

The Flash crossover also should be a season 2 event, but a genre show on one of the Big 4 networks? Might as well throw everything into the first season, it’s likely all they’ll get.

Are the ratings actually good by CBS standards, though? I don’t have the data since like, the third episode, but it wasn’t looking spectacular.

Yeah, someone was just whining about how SJWs were killing the market for comic books in the last Big Bang Theory thread. In response I pasted in the actual sales numbers, but I doubt anyone like that will be confused with actual facts.

These are the same shop owners who most likely badmouth the publishers and the books to anyone who will listen. Those types of comic shop owners deserve to go out of business.

The complaint about “anime-inspired art” is over a decade late, so it’s not that.

If those guys are experiencing their biggest drop off in sales in their history, as sales are going up for the industry - maybe they should look inwards.

Bullshit. My favorite books have more cartoony art. I do dig heavy line work, but only when it’s good (like Greg Capullo) and prefer more diverse styles, like Mike Allred and Joe Quinones. And as for “progressive politics don’t sell”, two words: Ms. Marvel. She’s one of Marvel’s highest sellers. Also, there are a lot

What’s weird is of Kaa for this trailer is drastically different than the audio in previous trailers. The same line is read, but in this trailer the faint, uh, “accent overlay” to the line (I have no other way to describe it) is missing and so is the whispery quality. It almost seems like they threw together this

I think you're right, plus the actors sound like they're in a studio, not the situation on screen.

Can’t argue with that :D Apologies for the grumpy reply, it’s Monday.

The voice not quite connecting to the characters is, I think, the result of having realistic looking animal talking. See, even if animals were smart enough to learn English, they couldn’t speak it, because they don’t have the necessary facial structure and muscles. In a cartoon this isn’t a big deal since you can

Jeff Goldblum has been sadly lacking in near recent big time movies.

Honestly, the first one wasn’t terrible. Forgettable, yes, but not bad. If this is more of the same (and it looks it) I don’t think this is going to suck.

He dislikes magic. He said that in the behind the scenes reel for Night Watch. Which explains why that movie is not actually about 2 warring groups of magicians like the book is. Also why Wanted is about assassins who get their kill orders from a magical fabric loom, instead of being about a world where a bunch of

No. Robot Chicken actually did satire. And when it did stuff like Big Bang Theory it was often in parody of that type of “nerd humor”.