
My understanding is they are trying to emphasize the hypocrisy a lot of conservative Christians have in regards to melting the barriers between church and state with respect to religion (i.e., the say they’re for it but actually only for their own religion). For instance, they had someone demand an immediate abortion

We all know Supergirl’s super powers. Melissa Benoist’s superpower is carrying the show on her back.

Closest I saw to an announcement:

Not at all, because most of those fundamentalist “Christians” are never, ever going to change their minds, so who cares if people “aligned” with Satan support choice? It just buys into the already existing narrative.

Church of Satan called dibs, others had stopped using them by then. Imagery may be inherited much like apple logo to fall of man, alan turing and jobs part time work at an orchard. But it still is his own idea in a sense. But yes, though many consider CoS to be authentic, it still is called LaVeyan Satanism, so as to

There was a twitter post about it that I saw linked a week or two ago. Can’t seem to find it, but it basically said that when something cool happens, there’ll be a blurb like this “article”, recaps for the most popular shows, and nothing else.

Work in some trolls, elves, and dwarves and a farther-futuristic feel (and, why not, some magic), and then you’ll have my attention…

I have got to say this new little to no recap format stinks.

Man, these post make me miss recaps even more.

But mostly bring back the real recaps.

And then?

I don’t think that’s a threat so much as a fact. Long time lovers of the site are naturally going to be turned off by the idea that something we’ve come to expect and enjoy is being done away with. I’m sure the situation was discussed at length and the decision arrived at with careful consideration.

And let’s not forget what they did to Amanda Waller. Let’s never forget what happened to Amanda Waller. smdh.

I love the translation of movies to lego, but the gameplay kinda sucks now. You seem to be interrupted to do this touch screen PDA thing, it brings the game to a halt when it gets good. It also seems to be a one player game, the second player gets to do something boring as hell when the first player is doing a puzzle.

Yes, I agree. I can’t really speak for the amputee crowd so take this with an enormous grain of salt, but I imagine that many would take offense at the idea that it’s so horrible a fate that suicide is a better option.

LOVE 52. And given Legends of Tomorrow, it is more than an appropriate venue for a certain media-loving gold superhero and his affable snarky flying robot.

I don’t know. Latino Review is a highly trusted and reliable source.

You aren’t alone. I had a visceral reaction upon reading that.

Then, just to rub salt on the wounds, they brought her back only to retcon her origin so that she was molested by her father. DC Comics: using rape as a plot device since Identity Crisis.

If you want to be fair and not insulting, why not actually find something out about the comic in question instead of writing multiple paragraphs about how stupid your imagined premise is?