
Well, I wasn’t looking for congratulations.*

Right, I posted elsewhere that he should have just said that Coulson “might as well have been dead” as far as the movies are concerned. That makes it clear he’s still alive, but won’t be used in the movies anytime soon.

This seemed fairly intuitive to me. Coulson popping back up in Age of Ultron would’ve needed far too much relay of information for a general audience to be okay with, on top of whatever else information the movie had to relay.

I read that recently, too! I love how the hero out-bizarro’d everyone to overturn their society at the end; Like you said, hilarious.

Yeah my bad, I didn’t realized this was an old ass post. Apologies.

and Aunt Beru.

For all the talk of Cap’n Phasma being the new “Boba Fett” in this movie, it’s funny that “Riot Control Stormtrooper” has become a breakout character. More fuel for the argument that this fight scene should have been given to Phasma instead. We know her, she has reason to call Finn a traitor, and this would’ve given

I never knew how empty my life was until just now when I have read the delightful assembly of words that is “matriarchal space weasels.”

Phase Two was amazing and there were some genuinely exciting trailers for Age of Ultron. However, it felt overstuffed, the big Black Widow origins reveal was terrible, and it genuinely gave me superhero movie fatigue.

I consider the prequels to be firmly in the category of “frustrating.” What I mean by that are movies that aren’t exactly good, but have enough good or interesting stuff that you can just see the great movie in there that could have happened with just a few different choices.

It was also all that collaboration which made the first three movies superior to the prequels. Yes George came up with the universe and characters, but I’m sure his collaborators, many of whom had more experience than him at the time like Leigh Brackett, probably put the brakes on some of his ideas and encouraged him

That’s a great point about these new worlds.

This just smacks of jealousy. If Abrams’ movie had come out and had been universally panned like the way his prequels were, Lucas would not be complaining but instead be smug with a, “Like I said, you should have listen to me. These are my kids. I am the master storyteller here.” But the fact that everyone is raving

I don’t think Lucas has sufficient perspective on the extent to which the OT movies were “his.” They were never “his.” They owe their success to him, but also to Marcia Lucas, Leigh Brackett, Lawrence Kasdan, Irvin Kershner, Gary Kurtz, Harrison Ford, and a lot of other people. The people I listed were all folks whose

One of the things I’m upset about it the crowd complaining about the lack of new iconic music. Like hello! You’ve seen TFA once, maybe twice! You’ve seen every other Star Wars 40 times! The new music hasn’t stuck yet!

Counterpoint — no one wants anything associated with the the prequels, and building your mystery around a character mentioned in one scene is not particularly satisfying.

Works for me. It was a really well done show.
If it takes time for a quality second season, I’ll wait.
She’s already a more integrated character than DD, so they may fold her into a Luke Cage show (or vice-versa) rather than do separate seasons for both every year.

What is “The Perfect Weapon” ? Haven’t heard of that one.