
I don’t know how you came to this conclusion, but the facts are otherwise. There are people who worship Cthulhu and many other fictionally-derived deities, and they have been around for at least fifty years or so.

A lot of female fans did complain about getting YJ action figures, though. Back when the fandom was rallying forces to try to combat its cancellation, many women proclaimed that they didn’t want to buy “cheap plastic toys” to support the show and wanted other ways to do so. I’m a female toy collector, so I had no

Not even those two. I’ve never seen a Boushh Leia in stores (had to snag mine from eBay), and Slave Leias *were* rotting on the shelves at clearance prices for the better part of a year, but once collectors got wind of a possible “ban” on Slave Leia toys, they scooped them all up hoping they’d be worth big money in a

You can do like I do and make believe that there were two MI6 paper pushers sitting around going over OO candidates, and found the most unbelievable of coincidences and decided to roll with it.

“Finally, there is the small fact that I was always fond to the“Bond is a codename” theory.There is just so much story potential in there”

Yeah, Bond shouldn’t have any “deep childhood trauma” crap. The way I see him, the character is basically a charming psychopath. Kills people by the dozen, can coolly talk his way out of any situation, makes women think he loves them and then dumps them the next day. And he doesn’t give a second thought to any of it.

There’s this utterly bizarre mindset that’s “supported by the numbers” that action figures of women don’t sell as well as those of men. The problem with the numbers they use? They only look at “total numbers” of each figures sold, instead of percentage of all figures produced sold. And by those numbers, they are

Useless fact time, the original trilogy Kenner toy lines had six Leia action figures, the first depiction of Slave Leia in action figure form came in 1997.

It’s worth nothing most of those aren’t currently in production. Kenner basically made enough figures to do a perfect reenaction of every single scene. Hasbro has not done this. So while I only had the Bespin Leia, I could have also bought Hoth, Endor, Slave, Boushh Disguise, Hair Bun, Ewok Village and (I think) more

If you went to a Toys R Us, Walmart, or Target RIGHT NOW, the only Princess Leia action figure is a 4” version of her “New Hope” gown in a 2-pack with Han Solo.

Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to confuse. The picture I included was simply an example of the work they have there, but I was there in early September. I’m not sure if I saw this specific piece or a similar one (as this was a common theme). They do loan out a lot of their collection to other museums.

Indeed, I was at the Neapolitan National Archaeological Museum a couple of months ago. They have a whole section devoted to sexy stuffs found by archaeologists. Naturally, a large amount of it is from nearby Pompeii & Herculaneum.

That’s a good point — and there’s been some really disturbing convos (which I’ve bailed from very quickly for reasons) that telepathic coercion isn’t really abuse, with or without rape in the mix. The thing about Killgrave is that he’s not only a terrifyingly rapist with powers, he’s every bully you’ve ever know,

Looks like an Orc from LoTR


I think he is relaxed. He saying that the character looks too generic.

I’m not completely won over by the design or execution in the brief, dark snippets either. It’s too much Abomination meets Ninja Turtles. It’s hard to tell whether there isn’t a faint resemblance to Michael Shannon in that face. I may just be projecting it because of the implications of using Zod to create it, but I

The face is pretty much exactly the same as the LotR cave troll, like they decided to save a bit of money by buying the model and putting some spiky crap on it here and there.