
Yea, I’m pretty close to you on this. I had fun with Man of Steel and enjoyed it, even though I recognize it has many flaws. And this trailer looks GREAT! but the doomsday thing is not working for me at all.

Yeah, whichever trailer house that is making these has too much of a boner for that shot of the soldiers kneeling down in loyalty to Superman.

You and I are aligned perfectly on this. Cannot agree anymore on the look of Doomsday. He looks like a moving piece of poop.

I haven’t been nearly as critical of this movie as others but I do think this is the best thing they’ve released for it so far.

This is the first thing about this movie that has made me think that it might be better than “meh”.

Never tell me the odds...especially when I'm using my phone at work !

Hope Solo as Han Solo?

See, I think the flip side of the question is interesting too — not only does Cap really represent the people he believes he’s representing BUT do the people he’s representing really deserve Cap?

What’s an Iridonian for that matter?

Moench and Gulacy are the kings of the action comic genre in my opinion and Serpents Tooth is enormous fun - the speedboat battle down the Amazon is authentically thrilling.

You might like it if you enjoyed the Moench and Gulacy run on Marvel’s Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu. I love MoKF and I thought Serpent’s Tooth was just okay (though at “just okay” it is worth a fifty cent investment).

So - 90’s....

holy hell even bond wasn’t immune to the 90’s inappropriate tactical pouch plague

I would gladly hang with a woman this cool.

Oh, I’m with you- I don’t buy it at all. But, I didn’t want to belittle some-one who does. Just like I won’t belittle a “religious person” unless they’re trying to push it on me.

“Suddenly the cold waste of space becomes centered on us humans”

I’m kinda with you. Leaving aside the fact that the film was A BAD FILM OH GOD IT WAS SO BAD, full of terrible characters who never adhered to their own motivations, Prometheus kinda ruined one of the best things about the Alien mystery; that it was a mystery.

The pilot race - did they create the aliens? We didn’t

Hell as a Canadian who grew up on CBC even watching things like Kids in the Hall where they cuss with rather casual frequency compared to straight laced American viewing is rather amusing. The bizarre fetishization of cussing and sexuality by the MPAA compared to their lackadaisical view towards violence is really

My bad — in the “throne room” scene at the beginning of RotS, Palpatine tells Anakin and Obi-Wan to be careful with Dooku, because “He’s a Sith Lord!” Though whether the Jedi knew this prior to the fight is never quite stated in the movies. (Maybe in the Tartakovsky show.)

My mom is the very model of a modern cat-lady.