
Humani Generis wasn’t published until 1950, so for the WW2-ish setting, it’s accurate. Plus it’s only ‘right’ for a Catholic to believe in evolution if they accept that God definitely had a hand in it. So I’ll allow it. :-)

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the fan service...just pointing out that the fan service would have started sooner on another show :)

I agree with you. I do have some good trust in Kristen Wiig and Melissa Mccarthy they are very talented. I was hoping that this movie would just be a continuation or a passing of the torch film from the retired GBs to the new. Or hell how about one of them being the daughter of one of the original GBs. That concept

“We intend to stay true to Christopher Nolan’s vision and deliver a memorable movie that is every bit as edgy, iconic and award-worthy as the original.”

That’s the rub, isn’t it? There are plenty of movies that were just okay, or they had an interesting idea but terrible exectuion. But you don’t get remakes of those because they’re not brand names and they can’t coast into theaters on people vaguely remembering that they liked it the first time around

I wish I could be optimistic about this new development.

It’s a completely wasted opportunity. There’s no reason it couldn’t be a new West Coast franchise of Ghostbusters International.

In the same camp—I love Wiig and McKinnon, I like the concept of an all-female team, but the idea of doing it as a remake/new origin/alternate universe makes me go, “Huh.” It’s weird that the original characters don’t exist, but elements like the uniforms and Ecto-1 are almost-sort-of-the-same-but-not-really.

I, for one, will find out once it comes out on cable. Or the first day after it hits cable and my DVR isn't busy with something more important; like any other movie or tv show.

Stephane Dion is a fucking smart guy... like I get why the previous two Liberal candidates lost (no charisma, inability to connect), but they were both pretty well respected international professors; Ignatieff was “just visiting” (so the slur went) because he was teaching at bloody Harvard, Oxford, and Cambridge...


First off, have you seen the Canadian Air Force? We don’t have the money or the resources to be an aggressive military force. Our entire countries population is less than the State of California. This is why the Canadian Armed Forces are historically known as peacekeepers and engineers.

Wrong and misinformed. Trudeau isn’t removing Canada from the fight but rather using a different strategy: pull back the air strikes and send military advisors to train the Kurdish/Iraqi ground troops. Your strategy of keeping the air strikes going on is basically the wrong strategy stated at the end of the article.

Our jets were responsible for 0.03% of all combat operations there since we joined the air-fight. Our presence in the air there is near negligible. It’s better if we shift resources to the support elements that are training and assisting Peshmerga (sic) forces on the ground. Speaking personally, if the government

Ridley’s Believe It Or Not!

i read somewhere the actress cut it off for some reason long before the 2nd film, and the film company just worked it in to the story for the second one, like it was part of her character. i think it appears in the imdb trivia section.

I watch a lot, A LOT, of TV shows, and I’m pretty sure Limitless makes me lol more than any other. Granted I don’t really watch any of the 30 minute comedy shows except The Goldbergs, but Limitless’ sarcasm and comedic delivery is just perfect IMO.

I absolutely LOVED how they handled part 1. I think that most of the people who disliked it haven’t read the book. My only gripe is how they portrayed The Hanging Tree. It completely lost the complexity and weight that it held in the book.

That’s true, it’s not like Katniss was well known for her singing or anything, so it’s definitely true to character. I just didn’t like the way they turned it into a big musical number.

That was one of the things that was important to me in the first movie when I came on was emphasizing the Wasp more,