
In fairness, Rob didn’t say he’d make Shatterstar straight, just that he’d make him not gay. Rob says his original intention was for Shatterstar to be asexual. (In which case, really any romantic/sexual relationship, gay or straight, would probably be considered character development if done right.)

The thing about upper middle class families is that, when they’re cruel, they’re very upper middle class about it. The parents sent their teenage daughter to a psychiatric hospital for being rebellious (what?) and later kicked her out (shortly before she finished high school), and it turns out she was bipolar, so we

The attempt to die rich is stupid. The end goal should be die with a net worth of zero, on a beach in the south seas. “Oh, waitress! Here’s the tab for the margaritas, and my last hundred dollars as a nice tip for you!”

That. would. be. EPICLY. funny.


Haha! That would be excellent.

Plus people with guts to say, “No, George...that doesn’t work...”

“Okay, Abrams didn’t write the script - fine. But he did agree to direct it and went through with it.”

That’s who I was referencing when I said Trump doesn’t always succeed. Ever since his announcement speech he’s tried to downplay those remarks. He keeps talking about how smart Mexican business men and corporations are, he keeps saying that blue-collar Mexicans are hard working, he emphasizes how many immigrants from

Trump could win for one main reason: he is very good at making the people around him feel good about themselves. Thanks to twitter, everyone is the people around him, and low information voters will vote for the person who makes them feel good.

Carson’s actually got a shot because many black voters admire him. I’m not saying that black folks would pick him just because he is black, I’m saying that he is legitimately admired in many communities of color and has been for a long time

Yes, Trump winning is plausible. Carson winning is also plausible. The fact of the matter is that lots of people vote for what is familiar, and Trump is a very familiar face to many Americans. Also, the segment of the population that votes along racial fear lines is pretty strong, and Trump has done a great job of

Carson is the neurosurgeon yes. He’s be bravely taking a stand against stereotypes actually. Specifically the stereotype that brain surgeons are smart.

This is the joke we deserve to understand, but not the one we need right now. So many will not get it, but the joke can take it.

Not even regular Bell cable but the FibreOP for some damn reason, though I assume at some point (like ShoMi) it’ll become available for whomever.

I can only imagine what goes on after they publish. “Wow, this is horribly bad. This is the last time we bring Tequila on our retreats. By the way, we’re having a retreat next week to fix this mess we just published.....who’s bringing the Tequila?”

Apparently MDs and engineers are big on the creationist circuit in the US. Who knew?

Carson is also the black dude trying REALLY hard to get the conservative, typically anti-black, votes. Amongst “Evangelical” voters who is the most popular candidate by far because he as elevated their rhetoric more than any other candidate this year.

Actually, I’m pretty sure Ben Carson is the anti-alien one. He’s the guy saying that the pyramids were built by a biblical figure to store grain and that you don’t need aliens when you have God on your side.

He’s kind of a hybrid of Orc Moses and Orc Jesus, to be honest.