
Oh, there was a second half? I only watched 20 minutes, before deciding to piss on my screen and set it on fire. It was still slightly less annoying than Die Antwood shouting.

I was watching it with my brother a few years back. He is an electronics/telecom engineer. We both laughed our bottoms off with the infrared communication pathways on a supposed quantum computer. How could it ever get enough bandwith out of infrared?

Haven't you ever used on of those power line cat5 modem deals? The power lines totally Are connected to the Internet.

Although if you have a friend going to a party you can up it by having them leave you on speaker phone and then you start responding to conversations near them.

You could say Ledger’s Joker was a good business man. “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.”

Yeah how a gauge a Joker performance is the Joker Fish, where I ask myself “Could I see this Joker barging into a patent office demanding they patent office and force them to patent his Joker Fish?”

Yeah, that was probably why Hasbro had Marvel come in and design the characters and their backstories, rather than just handing off the license to them, as Mego and Parker Brothers had done with their IPs.

You just reminded me of this gem:

Well Lucy was a sack of shit movie, though I don’t think it was ScarJo’s fault that movie was one of the dumbest movies I’ve ever seen.

I like Retaliation more than the first one simply because the people who made it had the balls to actually kill Duke instead of make up some bullshit story about him being in a coma.

Now playing

Worth watching, if only for this one scene. heh

I think at the core RHS celebrates fluid sexual identity and having Dr F played by a transgender actor seems like an updating that is still true to that central theme. I think what is more controversial about Laverne Cox in the role is the fact that the transgender community has a major issue with being confused with

I couldn’t even finish it on Netflix... and I was drunk

20 minutes in and I felt like I needed to take a shower in bleach. A thoroughly grimy movie.

Same. It was so terrible I could only handle about 15 minutes and turned it off.

And when asked a softball question like that, you’d think that he’d say something other than what his dick is thinking.

Omg, I think I need more coffee. For some reason, I thought he meant the most recent issue of Sam Wilson: Captain America, which Fox News ranted about.

I refuse to give him shit for not knowing which characters are Marvel and which are DC. It’s easy for us around here to mock people like that, often not remembering that millions upon millions of people just aren’t as into this stuff as we are.

Thank you! This is a great movie I used to watch with my dad all the time. It doesn’t deserve the negativity.