
Galactus is no space cloud, he’s a mix of a Lovecraftian horror and Godzilla.

Giving the hopeless attempt at redemption to Fitz instead of Skye was a very, very good decision.

I would consider Tucker & Dale vs. Evil to be in this category, and an exemplary entry at that. It’s no Cabin in the Woods, but it hits all the tropes while showing the other side of the homicidal hillbilly story.

Daisy might have some physical interest in Lincoln, but I didn’t see the kiss as some romantic gesture. It was more of a way to convince Lincoln to come with them. He’s lost everything, she was giving him a reason to go on and to trust her. When words didn’t work, she tried another tactic...

There was controversy around Santhi Soundarajan. She has Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome which means she will not react to male hormones. 1 in 1000 people have some sort of intersex condition as well. Recently scientists have discovered that most people contain on the genetic/cellular level are nonbinary when it comes

Well there have been limited studies done on this sort of thing since trans athletes had been pretty rare up until relatively recently. A proper study would take at least a decade. There have been some studies on parts of the issue though. One study has found that M-to-F candidates have a loss of musculature that puts

She correctly pointed out that the physiology of people with y chromosomes is different than those with only x chromosomes. Among the physiological differences is greater density of fast twitch muscles (i.e. male homo sapiens are physically stronger than females vis-a-vis gross amounts of weight they can lift and

I’m willing to let that slide—sometimes you need to make an actor taller for a shot. Robert Downey Jr. often wears heels for that reason.

I wouldn’t say they’re as bad as the pajamas from The Motion Picture, but they’re pretty bad. I know often a film production will have different versions of the same costume, e.g. one for frontal shots, one for action scenes, different lighting conditions, etc., and I’m hoping this shot is just not the way these

she said she wouldnt fight Fallon Fox(the premiere trans MMA fighter) because she believes Fallon Fox has unfair advantages since she transitioned so late in life. Bone structure and what have you. BUT she also said trans fighters in MMA are a case by case issue and need to be looked at individually.

It’s amazing that the Transformers fandom of all franchises is very pro-female toy. Fans actually demand toys of female characters like Arcee, and when Hasbro made polls asking for fan input on new toys, female characters won twice. Now Hasbro has caught up to them and started making giving the fembots more exposure

I am excited for this series and the toys! I have watched the first few episodes on the website and thought they were pretty good. Hope it does really well! Let this be the first pebble of an avalanche of comics and comic properyies being more open to 51% of population.

I do sometimes hear people talking about him like he is the greatest thing gut feeling is that he doesn’t have a real chance come election day, but who knows? We are pretty dumb.

I would like to say he is completely un-electable and the republican party has just gone crazy but I am actually not really sure.

A couple of other mentions. At midnight this Wednesday on TCM, just before the showing of Time After Time, is Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of A Clockwork Orange (also with Mr. McDowell).

I could still easily see Spielberg considering movies he merely produced as “his,” based on how he’s viewed them in the past. Here’s hoping that doesn’t happen, though. lol

The same actor, he didn’t play the same character...I thought he was the same for years too but I recently found out that I was wrong.

I’m with you 100%. Like I said, I was also confused by having the gyro-pilot in Thunderdome, yet he and Max didn’t know each other...

Well, sure, but the Op made a really dumb stand, so I was just ignoring it. ;-)