
I would call Rachel’s death in The Dark Knight fridging, yes. Why? Because her only role in the movie is to be fought over by the men, then die to drive the men apart and into their own personal arcs. She has no story of her own. In Batman Begins, she actually investigates stuff, she takes initiative, she even

if you are aware of the danger and continue on that path you are accountable.”

Nice conspiracy theory, bro, but no. I do believe this woman, and would believe her even if I like Jonah Hill.

Jonah Hill is not a lion. He is a fully grown human being, which means he is able to reason and make moral choices.

Well, good to know my long-held dislike for Jonah Hill for always playing obnoxious assholes was right on the money. 

Alita was the closest thing I saw to a manga in live action - for good and for ill. It looked great and was fun, but that episodic structure hurt it a lot.

Ok, but how do I say “Can I have a beer” or “Where are the washrooms” or “Does anyone speak English” in Navi? I need those way more often than I need to talk about my tit stew. I only talk about that with my therapist.

Ueah, you should sell it as Tabletop role-playing games, novels and comics instead. Waaay cheaper to produce.

I guess it depends on whether or not it does become a franchise. But I’ve seen more than my fair share of franchises that started out as a pitch for something already existing and morphed into their own thing. G.I. Joe was originally a Shield vs Hydra pitch by Larry Hama that he retooled. Warcraft tried to get the

It’s a movie based on the romantic notion of Age of Sail piracy, which is as old as that kind of piracy itself, and it has aztec curses, undead pirates, Davy Jones, a Kraken and a goddess of the sea. Nobody is going to see this movie as historical anyway.

The first one is the only one I own and rewatch every now and then. It!s really damn great.

I don’t think I agree. I’m mo fan of Zack Snyder, but this is exactly the kind of mid-budget features people always say current Hollywood is missing. The place where new franchise can be born, because their budget is high enough thry can get a solid line of paratextual product out to create an immersive world, but low

You have to be 17 to see *nipples*. You can look at the whole boob just fine, as long as the nipple is covered. Which also struck me as so dumb. 

You know I can read your comment history, right? I know your stance on queer people, and it’s not a stance that makes me want to a discussion with you.

Fully consenting human who can transform into bears bit still retain their fully consenting human mind do not exist, so no, that does not bother me, you intellectually disingenuous troll

DnD has made a *lot* of effort to market itself as woke and progressive. They’ve even used that apparent desire for progresiveness to justify fucking around with the OGL. I highly doubt they would make such a visible anti-queer move, especially now that people have seen the scene.

It was straight (or at least men-attracted) women watching and loudly enjoying men shagging. That’s fine, it seems.

Zeus turned into animals to have sex with women all the damn time. Sartyrs were half goat and *really* horny. Sailors have been drowning themselves for a chance at half-fish poontang for millenia.

I have mixed feelings about this.

Wait, Don Jr. has a soul?