
Considering the regular, non-collectible versions of the card sell between 40-60$, it's pretty powerful. 

Each player bring their own deck of cards. Nobody loses their cards, ever. It is a pretty powerful card, but it’s not one-of-a-kind powerful. Yes you would have to take it out of the case. Most people sleeve their entire deck, however, so it would still be protected a bit.

For me, the franchise buildup is big part of my dislike of Iron Man 2, yes. That scene in the donut completly destroys the pacing of the film, Black Widow’s inclusion is completly superfluous to the actual plot, and the franchise stuff just push the actual plot of the movie to the background.

I’m not sure Jurassic Park 2's problem was franchise infrastructure, as it was pretty self-contained as a movie. Though I guess I could see it in the sense that clearly Crichton had never planned to write the Lost World, and he had to bend over backward to make a sequel fit, and the strain is apparent in multiple

Beyond the commercial imperative, which is obviously important, the fact is that humans love retelling familiar stories and linking those stories together. We’ve been doing it since time immemorial. From Greek Myths to Arthurian Romances to the Marvel Universe, humans are very good at collective storytelling. 

Yes, franchise scaffolding, when executed badly, leads to bad movies. We’ve known that since Iron Man 2 at the very least.

Yttrium has taken the true facts that fictional characters are purely arbitrary constructs and thus very flexible, and ran with it to the point of absurdity. As far as he’s concerned, an author can write any character as anything — as long as a writer decide that this mundane travel agent that spend the entire movie

Every movie has reshoots. That’s different than reshooting an entirely different ending.

I mean, is Barbie a feminist movie?

If that is indeed the last scene of the movie, then it means this movie will join the dubious club of “ recent video games adaptations with the last scene of the movie in the trailer”. Other members include the latest Tomb Raider, Uncharted, and the first Sonic.

Deep lore doesn’t mean bupkiss about the quality of a story though. In fact, confusing lore for story is where a lot of game adaptations go wrong.

Wait, they finally managed to make that movie? I think this is the first time we got the low budget rip-offs years before the actual adaptation.

It makes sense when the low-tier is one screen only, and you’ve just decided to stop people sharing their pass word. So everyone who used to have higher tier to be able to share with their family and friends downgraded to basic after Netflix put a stop to that, and now Netflix is saying “pay for a second screen we

*Advanced reviews however are saying the “Fake rumors” are .....true.*

No joke, last week I stumbled onto one of those “comicsgate” site and there were a bunch of articles about of Mangold “lied” about them not reshooting the ending after the backlash, because apparently Ford said something about how they shot a few different version of the last couple scenes or something. Now already

As someone hitting 35 in a few months, I agree it is a bit baffling.Likr, don’t get me wrong, I did laugh my ass off at the Superman Lives reference, but I also realized that I omly have one friend who will get the joke.

It’s great you had fun, but can I honestly ask what you liked about this Supergirl? I’m just so puzzled by what people saw in that character. The actress is not bad by any means, and she has charisma. But in this movie, she gets nothing to do. She barely interacts with the main character, she doesn’t have a character

a complaint from a DCEU fan about the studio making them feel like they had to care about an old Batman from a movie they’d never heard of.”

I mean, it’s not surprising - the movie is made for a very narrow audience who’ve all seen it already. Like, all the big jokes and easter eggs require am in-depth knowledge of not just movies from 80s and 90s, but of behind the scenes trivia about these movies. No families nor kids will go see this movie, no non-fan

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An entire article about Furbies and M3GAN, and no mention on how the movie literally open with a giant dunk on Furbies?