
I’m afraid you’re right. Hope you’re wrong.

All of the above. Not to mention, all the so-called cable news networks have THE SAME SPONSORS. The corporate media is being paid to sow divisiveness. It works every time.

It’s ironic because Santorum is the one driven by money! Guys, I think I figured these assholes out!

All to be replaced during this administration by Breitbart, InfoWars, and The Daily Stormer.

True. Buchanan was also one of Nixon’s employees and he, similarly, felt that the illegal things that Nixon did were justified because Nixon was fighting for a greater good and/or some weird beliefs about Presidents being immune if they conduct particular illegal actions.

It goes farther back than that. The Gang of Four, Bush, Rove, Cheney and Rumsfeld once worked for Nixon and they have never forgiven the country for forcing Tricky Dick out of office.

The easiest way to track the trajectory of the GOP is to watch what has happened with its members who push white supremacy ideology the loudest. Pat Buchanan, back in the 1990s, realized that his ideology wasn’t really in line with what the Republican Party stood for. He became so upset about this that he ran for

Watch it now, careful, might get a face full of bird shot.

Thank you for posting this.

I used to think he had a lock for “stupidest person in the room, in any room” but the GOP managed to find and run someone even dumber.

That village is somewhere in Butler county, Pennsyltucky. you can thank the dunces that live in that part of PA for electing him to office.

He exists on CNN to solely draw viewers from fox News. 

Wish we could send him back.

The way that these completely evil sonsofbitches claim that the folks on the side of the angels are motivated by what actually motivates THEM make me insane. How much more can we take?

In a just world, he would be executed for endangering humanity as a whole for personal gain.

There are just so many. The republicans are a cornucopia of evil and ignorance.

Money? Is he serious? As long as he doesn’t enter his own name, google is really a terrific tool for finding out the average salary for tenured researchers in various fields

Those darn scientists being in it just for that sweet sweet big money. At least they aren’t out begging for funding of expeditions or for physical resources, spend hours on end sitting at a computer or in a lab, hoping what little funding they get isn’t cut, or teaching full-time in addition to doing research. And in

I think we probably are better off leaving science to the scientists

This administration has ignored and undermined their scientific advisors, their intelligence advisors, and their judicial advisors. CNN and other media prefers to give them a platform to justify their actions than to confront them on their path to autocracy, except when their access to the belly of the beast is