I can't be the only one who thinks this is thoroughly fucked up and should be raided at once to free all these beautiful amazing creatures.
I can't be the only one who thinks this is thoroughly fucked up and should be raided at once to free all these beautiful amazing creatures.
Beautiful in its simplicity.
How the fuck do you not call that? Yet another reason to despise Coach K/Duke, especially when they're playing at Cameron.
That's a joke, right? You think Laettner can be mentioned in the same sentence as Bill Walton, Alcindor?
Oh I know a python expert's hand when I see one.
Your cuticles are simply pristine.
Oh god no. Day ruined.
Haven't seen an angry mob of Mormons like this since Joseph Smith was run out of town by a passel of pitchfork vigilantes.
America: your best friend when you need something. Your worst enemy when you no longer need anything.
Two thumbs up.
I think Nala got aux cord privileges.
This guy's objectively a fetid flaming turd of a human being, and quite probably a rapist, and I agree with all the fairly obvious logic as to why a fresh faced teenager from Nashville would never report that. The point I want to make is not related to the rape, but the being defrauded when you are in completely over…
Two words: Darren Sharper.
Sigh. I have lived a similar situation, though without being a maniacal sociopath. My roommate and I broke up with our exes on the same day. Prior to this, we had almost no communication or interaction, mainly because I tend to be a little reclusive. Well, on the night of the breakups, the wine floweth forth. Then…
When people ask me to compare Bernie's game to someone else, I always go with John Stockton. Chippy, at times cheap, but always (re)distributed the ball equally.
emoji with hearts for eyes
Oh god name please.
Names. I want names. There is an unwritten rule that if you post a dog pic it must include the name.
What is she binge watching?