
I would watch this movie if any of the options below were true:
a) Boba Fett didn’t suck.
B) The movie is a lighthearted comedy about Boba Fett’s life in the sarlacc pit and the friendship he develops with a dead body that looks a lot like Daniel Radcliffe. Together they discovers that Boba Fett can manipulate the

This keyboard should be mandatory for all cellar trolls, and should also not come with a CAPS LOCK key.

This keyboard should be mandatory for all cellar trolls, and should also not come with a CAPS LOCK key.

Yeah, especially since it was so poorly placed as well :P

Oh I get it, Highlight Reel!

I love using the .50 cal rifle with armor piercing ammo to take out helicopters in one shot. Who needs rockets!

Thoughts and prayers.

A friend of mine is looking into getting a dog from a breeder, and I think we’re gonna have a nice long chat.

I fucking loved the show. Loved the whole thing start to finish. It was some awesome prestige Trek, and I can’t wait for it to come back for season two. I did feel like something else was going to happen in the finale, since it seemed to all wrap up with about 10 minutes left and the big reveal/cliffhanger was the

Robot protestors.

Robot protestors.

I am one of the biggest Destiny stans out here. Dig into my comment history and you’ll see.

Gross. I’ll pass.

Yes, complete morons. Those of us buying/selling crypto right now are making equal to our annual income in 2-3 weeks. Yes, complete and utter morons we are. Some people making $100k+ in 1-2 months. Those people are even bigger morons.

Seriously, I bought a pair almost ten years ago for my computer. I used to go through a pair of headphones almost every year until I bought the 770s, which are still holding up great to this day. The only thing I’ve done is replace the ear cup padding, which I only had to do last year. Fantastic headphones.

I went “wtf” pretty hard when I saw these in the pic of the post. I absolutely love mine, they stay on my head for much too long every day (like 10+ hours, at least) and there’s still very little discomfort. And they sound great as well. The replacement he mentioned though, I got a pair of those just before the

If you’d have spent even just a few minutes doing research instead of simply fawning over the aesthetic, you’d have read that 80 Ohm studio cans are too much for a phone to drive. They are indeed luscious, beautiful headphones, and their plush, velour ear cups are pillows, but they were never meant to be plugged into

My two favorite anti-Bitcoin arguments:

for a long time I thought warframe was a competitive hero shooter, like overwatch. Turns out after finding out in a silly way, its really what i wanted destiny to be, a fun flexible space opera game with borderline superheroes. the weapon variety is amazing, the art is a really strong geigerish organic alien vibe, and

Since its “completely anonymous” and nobody uses it...except for Overstock, Virgin, Microsoft, OkCupid, Tesla...but its just for tax evasion, and money-laundering...

they’re good dots, Bront

What a great idea!