
That is the correct reaction

Anyone who says “i’M aN EMpAth” 🚩 🚩 🚩

Nice! For me it feels kinda like L4D meets Diablo or Skyrim. Loot drops, leveling up, and skills is such a cool improvement to the L4D formula. There’s also items you look for in each level which improve your chances of better drops once you complete the round. My friends and I picked it up a couple weeks ago and

try Warhammer Vermintide 2, I felt the same way with B4B. 

I think Warhammer Vermintide 2 is a very worthy successor that also improves on the L4D formula with RPG level up elements that add a lot of replay value. Highly recommend if you haven’t tried it.

Imagine boohooing about this

Fallout 76 does this and I love it

I mean...that’s Destiny in a nutshell

Man forget about Boba Fett, he sucks. Mandalorian is awesome though

This comment section seems pretty up it’s own ass. 

You’re absolutely right, it’s been bugging me for so long that so many of these old guys just splash water on their hands and walk out. The others do that half ass “man wash” where they go soap first then it’s a race to rinse it off as fast as possible. I’ve been using paper towel to handle on my way out for a few

I bought 2 Chevy Volts, we primarily just charge in the standard outlet at home overnight.  I was able to charge at my work for about a year for free until they recently changed it to cost. 

That’s really cool, my buddy did a painting of that same scene, I thought it was his for a second lol. He’s been doing some really cool digital stuff lately, I highly recommend checking him out 

Ok, but did they get the shot? 

I have a Chevy Volt and can confirm it’s pretty great. I don’t think there’s any intention to remove pedals down to just 1, it’s just terminology. You still use the brake to come to a complete stop. 

I saw the first part and was about to type almost exactly the same thing you wrote for the second part lol.

worst. bounty hunter. ever.

Now playing

RIP those nuts lol. I just uploaded a funny moment from Prop Hunt WWII.



Exactly lol.