
Mah dikQUH!

There’s also always the classic “yeah, you like that, you fucking retard?”

you can absolutely tell that Goku is voiced by and 80 year old woman.

You’re fucking delusional.

Yeah, your not fooling anyone with that shark-apologist propaganda, Mr. Shark

These women had a year’s worth of food and water purifiers. I think they were infinitely more prepared than your usual lost-at-sea-for-months-before-being-rescued stories that come along. We don’t know the specifics of their communications equipment so we should probably shut our yaps.

hooooly shit, I never thought to magnesis a boomerang while it was flying; nor did I think it would keep it in motion

Terrifying to contemplate having to resort to these kind of measures. My heart goes out to all those poor people.

As Terry Pratchett said:

Written in reply to a Lifehacker article; a site with the arguable single purpose of telling readers how to do things.

We should quarantine old out of touch white ladies.

Dag nabbit

Cross out U.S. Govt. and put just about any major corporation. I worked for an I.S.P., and after we got ride of PINE for email, and went to outlook because the sales and exec team were not so 1337, every few months there would be a malware outbreak that was pretty much contained to sales, marketing, and upper

What the hell show did you see? I saw the hatred the X-Men have always talked about but seldom explored, a solid cast of recognizable (though admittedly B-list) X-Men, and some interesting mysteries.

Remember when classic gaming became another overdone fad?

I beat Botw 5 months ago. I’ve played it more after I finished the game than before I finished the game. That’s a first for me. unbelievable game

Jason, come on. Super Mario RPG has to be in the list of games that NEED played.

And a battery pack for storage.

And he resisted the temptation to sprinkle his apology with “Bruce,” “Shiela,” “G’day,” “barbie,” or “bonza.” Admirable.

Excellent. As soon as I upgrade my PC, I will reinstall it. This thing runs at 20 fps for me. Good to know it has evolved a bit.