
BRB, gotta charge my license plate frame.

Cold-pressed, extra-virgin baby oil? Artisanally made from the finest, hand-selected babies?

Came here just for this.

Thank you for this beautiful piece of art.

Wifey material

As a Kansas Citian, I’ve always adored this gif. Because, in truth, everyone from the Midwest knows someone like this guy.

this reads like it was written by a curmudgeonly old luddite who shakes their fist at everything. Get with the times grandpa

They have yet to resolve the biggest problem, the silly luxury price premium.

you forgot “while third grader watches at end”. But hey, at least he held the glue.


I love the use of the royal “we.”

Aaaah, those sweet MMA youtube comments :D

Nobody likes a condescending, holier-than-thou ‘my game is better than yours’ gamer. Nobody.

Reign of Fire is the best movie I’ve seen him in.