
You’re not supposed to be at the highest light and have all the things in the first week of release.

Not me, because I’ve actually seen people drive.

“Well whatdya know”

At least she learned her lesson. That’s really all you can hope for with these kind of people

How Can His Tweets Be Real If He Isn’t Real o_0

I don’t know what pisses me off more, the content of Jaden’s tweets or his Capitalization Of Every First Letter In Every Goddamn Word.

It’s a revamped cosmodrome, it’s better because of those things you mentioned, like the lava area and being able to get to high ground where the containers are and things but still feels a little lackluster. If you go backwards from plaguelands, you’re back in cosmodrome and it’s just snowed over. The previous access

I get it, it makes sense. It just feels extremely lazy and I love Destiny. This DLC needs more Cayde.

I’m enjoying it, I’m just disappointed in all the reskinning they’ve done. Plaguelands? No it’s cosmodrome in the snow. Is that Vepiks Prime? Oh he’s red now.

That sweet, sweet propaganda.

No ragrets.

Me neither, especially after Taken King really revived everything. Even after I needed to take a break from it, it’s still a game you can come back to.

Nailed it

Even though that’s exactly what this is, domestic terrorism. However just because it’s terrorism doesn’t mean “Muslims” or “ISIS” -_-

wow what a reference

Now playing

Lmao the guy chucks the grenade and the house just spits it right out in his shirt pocket. Tough luck. Rise of Iron is coming, my hammers are ready

The moon used to be a living entity, a protector of Earth. In it’s final day, it defended us from a great evil. It now rests in our orbit as a reminder of that selfless act.

The crowd you would expect #peopleofwalmart

ah I see

I have 8 bosses, Bob.