

I feel like the beginning of this article should have started with “Prepare your anus” Oh well..missed opportunity

I feel like the beginning of this article should have started with “Prepare your anus” Oh well..missed opportunity

That little adjustment to Thorn should be fine, it’s not supposed to be a poison sniper rifle

My Jade Rabbit will continue to melt faces

The symbiote is nigh

You don't need a computer! Now get off my dang tech blog ya whipper snappers!

Reminds me of an old map in Unreal Tournament in like someone’s bedroom lol. Good times

“YOU DONT KNOW THE REAL ME!” - The Windmill probably

Now playing

Lol the dude’s reaction to jumping on the plane. Here’s a fun clip I put together with some buddies of mine

Wait, wait....did you just talk trash about Uncharted 2??

Not for that low low price of 70 smackers though :/

I’m disappointed that it has raised keys, I much prefer the low profile keys.

Not everyone likes clicky clacky mechanical keyboards that serve no real performance function other than preference.

My friends and I never have issues with Logitech

Now playing

Welcome back! I just uploaded this recently

oooooeeeee you good lookin!

It really does, absolutely genius


Act of God? That doesn’t sound like the spaghetti monster I know. It’s probably just an act of nature.