
He says “literally” like 30 times. What’s sad is that I hear people doing this all the time. It’s so unnecessary.

This is pretty intense

It’s working really well on my iPhone 5, Swype was awesome on Android, this functions pretty much the same way

Yay rescued. I like that the other one stayed by his side

“Poison......poison......TASTY FEESH”

I feel like most of the anime characters I see look like white Americans anyway. We have 2 asian actors...Jackie Chan and Jet Li. That’s it, lol. /sarcasm Thank you for having my favorite Trunks avatar, I used to use that one all the time as mine.

Yes it would have that excuse, but you’re being reasonable.

That last picture makes it look like there’s a giant cube moon floating in space. I want to believe it’s out there

What a time to be alive!

Now playing

Lol, I love silly physics glitches. I hope they never patch them.

Mostly agree with this. With big screen TVs and home entertainment systems, I’d much rather watch movies at home without the hassle of dealing with random peoples bullshit and the excessive cost. Going to the movies is always a gamble with what type of people decide to show up. I like to watch movies for the escape

I would choose oblivion over this travesty.

Damn you Square Enix! This act of genocide is unconscionable!


Instructions not clear, dick caught in fan.

Now playing

Lol the C4 clip. *throws C4* “NO NO NO NO NO NO!” I just uploaded some funny moments playing The Division the other day. It’s comprised mostly of movie quotes and terrible mom jokes

Only when people aren’t looking.

You’re not wrong, it’s a bit of both really. I had a bot for a little while to farm while I was in school. You could set it to whichever boss and it would run or teleport the route.

Me neither, probably not for 10 years. But I was balls deep in that for so so long. Diablo 3 is fantastic and they keep adding goodies to keep me coming back. I never thought I’d say this, but it’s actually more enjoyable on console, it makes playing on the PC feel like work.