
Yeah, maybe because he was in such an obscure location.

Don’t forget about Pindleskin

I find this shallow and pedantic.

tl;dr answer: Probably.

Even if you do, they’ll still complain. Cue bratty pretend Star Wars fans.

and thus the illusion continues

Because button mashing

I enjoyed playing Diablo way more than Baldurs Gate

Or maybe they’re tech nerds excited about new tech being unveiled on a tech website?! *gasp*

35,000$ is a car only the rich can afford? wut

I’ll take this over sports fanatics.

He’s just realizing Tidal is a ripoff?

This one in this green color isn’t very appealing, but I love these in black and pearl white. I had a 92' pearl white that looked a lot like this

Right? This is the first one that’s affordable, sexy and practical. Game changer.

I think you would fall in the plug-in hybrid category a Volt which does both. I’m in the process of getting one, though for my uses, I’ll rarely have to use gasoline which is a huge advantage. Really looking forward to the Model 3 though.

I’m quite aware of this. It’s still just polished carbon. It’s pretty that’s all.

I now know why you have dumpster in your name. You’re garbage.

Meanwhile a train just derailed somewhere lol

We can thank DeBeers for that little illusion

How is it crappy? There is no advantage either way other than preference. Low profile keys, less noise, they work for years...not a strong first comment new guy. Keep it classy, this isn’t a youtube comment section.