Exactly. Does anyone care that one of Mia Farrow’s other children has clearly said that the child was coached to lie and that the abuse didn’t actually happen?
Exactly. Does anyone care that one of Mia Farrow’s other children has clearly said that the child was coached to lie and that the abuse didn’t actually happen?
I feel bad for Kate Winslet because there is plenty of blame to throw around. If you are going to rag on her for working with Allen, then what about the film crew? What about the financial backers? What about the theater owners that show his works?
I have plenty of friends who work at FOX News, but I don’t judge them…
The concern, presumably, is that in this climate if you’re alone with a woman it would be very easy for the women to say something along the lines of “If you don’t give me the promotion, I’m going to complain to HR that you touched my thigh.”, because in this environment, that threat carries a LOT of weight, because…
Mandatory fun is one of the pains of childhood. I refuse to participate as an adult. (small) part of the reason I freelance. When I was a full-time, salaried employee I would have preferred the money from the party go to something more useful, like a small boost to everyone’s bonus or small hourly wage for the unpaid…
Does anyone ever really want to go to the office Xmas party anyway?
I saw them open for the Revolting Cocks back in ‘87.
The Swedish Chef felt me up.
We used to do”secret shitbag” at the office every Christmas.
Sorry, no. We’re gonna find out that Tom Hanks, Patrick Stewart, and Betty White all did horrible things to people.
Christopher Plummer has now been digitally inserted into all of the episodes of TOS as Sulu.
“Often, Colors actually sounds like the more stripped-down Beck of Modern Guilt or even Morning Phase trying to make a party record, before realizing that he can’t quite dance the pain away.”
That’s exactly right. Is Colors a party record by the guy who did “Where It’s At”? No, that guy’s dead—Lamborghini Shih Tzus…
We met some chicks who thought we were cool for yelling that and then we partied with them, and he got to play whatever he wanted. So I like to think that really, everybody was a winner that day.
If Beercan is a joke song, then Mellow Gold is a joke album, since it’s as good as any song on it.
Consider running a 5:40 mile. Then a 17:00 5k. you’d have to hold that pace for 13 5ks to approach what she did today.
It’s sad how deep into running you need to be to truly appreciate this sort of effort. Anybody on the couch can say “fuck that’s crazy” but unless you’re on the road 40 miles a week you’re probably not capable of understanding how much everything hurts sometimes. And at 40 miles a week you’re lower than whale shit on…
Broke her back.
That Camera Obscura story :( Good lord. I’m so glad she trusted her gut and got away safely.
i think the alien fingers were just...not believable. especially if the other TAs and prof were trying to figure out which one of their students were responsible for the messages. those fingers would stick out like...
Okay, so there are tons of details that didn’t make it into this account because it’s already long to begin with (and it’s pretty clear what’s going on after a certain point), but he would repeatedly tell me about weird things he had done, or some of his barely-legal “business models” and say things like, “Now you…
Isn’t that just a dorm?