Collapsed Conversation

In my opinion, Jessica looks like she had work done on her face. She looks unnaturally and radically different from this older pic below.

When you reentered the other side, did you go in head first, or feet first? Either way sounds difficult and terrifying,  for different reasons.

The NYT reported the other day that pneumonia can be harder to come back from the older you are, and more likely to develop complications. Basically it coulD be something of concern in HRC’S case.

Unfortunately, his accusation of a “rigged” forum of debate will resonate - based on Bernie Sanders’ experiences in this year's presidential campaign.

The only possible explanation I have (and I wouldn’t have had this thought if I weren’t a parent) is that it is helpful if you want your baby boy or girl to be identifiable as a boy or girl. You know, small talk between parents in the elevator (e.g., how old is she? 8 months, wonderful).

I am still trying to figure it out. I’ve been ungreyed yesterday by a bunch of sub-sites that I never comment on simultaneously (e.g.,Domesticity, Weird Internet), but am still grey on Jezebel and the Slot, ehich I do comment on. I’m not sure how it works.

The second you mentioned Tower Records, it was immediately clear that the statute of limitations was long passed.

I’m a man who’s been Hey’d by a woman. So I didn’t vote in the above survey, for fear of skewing up the results.

A lot these comments have said all that you need to hear. You will get over this, and the commenters have covered all the bases here. I just want to point out that, while this guy indeed sounds like a narcissistic weasel, one part of your long comment jumped out at me and particularly creeped me out and sent a shiver

Yeah, because Joseph Kauser is a real Latino-sounding name. Guess that woyld explain why he too was put on administrative leave and why Minnesota’s Governor Dayton quickly denounced this shooting. Because if Kauser were white, they’d be backing him, just like you said.

“Image via handout”?

Married guy here. I’m with you on this one. She wouldn’t crack the Top 50 of my celebrity list. Maybe not even the Top 75.

10 miles a week is pretty good for a working adult, I think. And it’s a phenomenal amount of miles, if you have kids too, since kids put even more time constraints on one’s schedule.

I understood that generally, but I couldn’t see where the kid’s head ends and the man’s face begins. It looks like what I thought was the man’s goatee is actually sand, or perhaps sunscreen, on the side of the kid’s face. Is that it? At least that’s what I’m going with (unless the kid is sporting a 5 o’clock shadow at

First two I think are neat optical illusions without any doctoring (I think). The last one...can you explain it to me? I gave up trying to figure it out.

It’s not a bad idea, but I think it’s also anticlimactic compared to an actual debate. And Bernie wants a debate, not merely a televised forum like you suggest - he already has that. And I think programmers would view a one-man debate much as Jim’s dad in American Pie would:

No, it’s troublesome because she backed out of the debate with Bernie, despite her previouspromise to debate hom again. So far at least one major California news outlet has called her out on it:

I am sure he must be a real asshole, but I am curious to hear how and in what context you met him, and what he did that made you conclude that he was a prick?

“I’m going to assume that HOAs can’t prevent the change.”

You think male record store clerks were condescending? Try interacting with male employees at Sam Ash, or any musical instrument store for that matter. They are bordering on bona fide asshole, and they are like that with men and women customers alike.