Colin Surname

The Worst Compiled Opinion Listicle Video Posted On YouTube Last Weekend

Or you can trade it all in for what's in this box…

You can't

Yeah, tell the anarchist how to take his beer.

Well actually


Now how long before it becomes three four-hour movies?

He's ashes, he's something in the air, and with global warming he's getting warmer.

Ha ha ha!

She's an efficient person.

She literally doesn't know it was Dinesh (though she's obviously perceptive, she didn't know he was wanting to break up), and may be arrested for a long time. I think she's gone from the show.

They'd have to get Bob Saget to dub over all of Josh Radnor's lines.

Ten is the Dennis

It's Adam and Eve, not Canada Beave!

Yep. People were discussing Hold Steady on an article about American Idiot. This is satisfying because that line is a nod to the song doublewhiskeycokenoice by Dilinger Four, from which Green Day lifted the riff they hammer into the ground on American Idiot.

Please tell me you get why it's relevant to a post discussing 'American Idiot'. Then we can make out.

Canid PCP Dream Girl

This is the perfect place to reference doublewhiskeycokenoice.

His value: a bigoted fopp, or less.

I don't know US platonic Valentine's culture enough, but does Dee's Valentine's card for Charlie, and Charlie's song, though forced, revive the shipping of the pair?